Primitive functions/Relation to fundamental theorem/Section

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Let denote an interval, and let

denote a function. A function

is called a primitive function for , if is differentiable on and if holds for all


A primitive function is also called an antiderivative. The fundamental theorem of calculus might be rephrased, in connection with fact, as an existence theorem for primitive functions.

Let denote a real interval, and let

denote a continuous function. Then has a primitive function.

Let be an arbitrary point. Due to fact, there exists the function

and because of the Fundamental theorem, the identity holds. This means that is a primitive function for .

Let denote a real interval, and let

denote a function. Suppose that and are primitive functions of . Then is a constant function.

We have

Therefore, due to fact, the difference is constant.

Isaac Newton (1643-1727)
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716)

The following statement is also a version of the fundamental theorem, it is called the Newton-Leibniz-formula.

Let denote a real interval, and let

denote a continuous function. Suppose that is a primitive function for . Then for , the identity


Due to fact, the integral exists. With the integral function

we have the relation

Because of fact, the function is differentiable and

holds. Hence is a primitive function for . Due to fact, we have . Therefore,

Since a primitive function is only determined up to an additive constant, we sometimes write

Here is called a constant of integration. In certain situations, in particular in relation with differential equations, this constant is determined by further conditions.