President of the United States/Worksheets/Worksheet 3.A

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Worksheet 3: Succeeding the President (Answer Sheet)

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In this exercise, we focus our attention on the Presidential Terms of succession, in which the Vice President succeeded due to the death or resignation of the President. When successions occur, the Presidential terms are effectively split between two Presidents, however the next election always occurs on schedule, regardless of the succeeding President's time in office.

A total of 9 Presidents left office prematurely. Not a particularly long list to remember, but it becomes doubly difficult when we try to recall their successors, not to mention the year in which they died or resigned. It is therefore helpful to break the list down a little further into three categories: Assassinations, Natural Causes, and Resignation.


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A total of four Presidents were assassinated, all by gunshot. Using the timeline below, fill in the blanks with the answers to the following questions:

  1. Who was the first President to be assassinated while in office? - Abraham Lincoln
  2. What year did Andrew Johnson take office? - 1865
  3. Who were the two Presidents to be sworn in in 1881? - James A. Garfield & Chester A. Arthur
  4. What year was William McKinley, the 25th President, assassinated? - 1901
  5. Who succeeded William McKinley as President? - Theodore Roosevelt
  6. What years did the 26th President serve in office? - 1901 to 1909
  7. Who was the most recent President to be assassinated while in office? - John F. Kennedy
  8. What year was the 35th President assassinated? - 1963
  9. Who took office as the 36th President? - Lyndon Johnson

Natural Causes

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A total of four Presidents died of natural causes. Using the timeline below, fill in the blanks with the answers to the following questions:

  1. Who was the first President to die while in office? - William Henry Harrison
  2. What year did he die? - 1841
  3. Who was the first Vice President to succeed to the Presidency? - John Tyler
  4. What year did Zachary Taylor, the 12th President, die while in office? - 1850
  5. Who became the 13th President? - Millard Filmore
  6. Which President died in 1923? - Warren G. Harding
  7. Which Vice President became the 30th President? - Calvin Coolidge
  8. Which years was the 30th President in office? - 1923 to 1929
  9. How many times was Franklin D. Roosevelt voted into office? - 4 times
  10. Which years was FDR in office? - 1933 to 1945
  11. Which Vice President succeeded FDR? - Harry S. Truman


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Only one President ever resigned from office. Using the timeline below, fill in the blanks with the answers to the following questions:

  1. Who was the only President to resign from office? - Richard Nixon
  2. What year did he resign? - 1974
  3. Who was his running mate in the previous election? - Spiro Agnew
  4. Who became the 38th President after he resign? - Gerald Ford
  5. Which years was the 38th President in office? - 1974 to 1977

The Timeline

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# Year Term President Info
1. 1788 1789-1793 1st - George Washington US Constitution
2. 1792 1793-1797
3. 1796 1797-1801 2nd - John Adams
4. 1800 1801-1805 3rd - Thomas Jefferson Not a Leap Year
5. 1804 1805-1809
6. 1808 1809-1813 4th - James Madison
7. 1812 1813-1817
8. 1816 1817-1821 5th - James Monroe
9. 1820 1821-1825
10. 1824 1825-1829 6th - John Quincy Adams
11. 1828 1829-1833 7th - Andrew Jackson
12. 1832 1833-1837
13. 1836 1837-1841 8th - Martin Van Buren
14. 1840 1841 9th - William Henry Harrison Died of pneumonia.
1841-1845 10th - John Tyler
15. 1844 1845-1849
16. 1848 1849-1850 12th - Zachary Taylor Died of gastroenteritis.
1850-1853 13th - Millard Fillmore
17. 1852 1853-1857
18. 1856 1857-1861
19. 1860 1861-1865 16th - Abraham Lincoln Election before Civil War
20. 1864 1865 Assassinated.
1865-1869 17th - Andrew Johnson
21. 1868 1869-1873 18th - Ulysses S. Grant Election after Civil War
22. 1872 1873-1877
23. 1876 1877-1881 19th - Rutherford B. Hayes
24. 1880 1881 20th - James A. Garfield Assassinated.
1881-1885 21st - Chester A. Arthur
25. 1884 1885-1889
26. 1888 1889-1893
27. 1892 1893-1897
28. 1896 1897-1901 25th - William McKinley
29. 1900 1901 Assassinated.
1901-1905 26th - Theordore Roosevelt
30. 1904 1905-1909
31. 1908 1909-1913
32. 1912 1913-1917
33. 1916 1917-1921
34. 1920 1921-1923 29th - Warren G. Harding Died of heart attack.
1923-1925 30th - Calvin Coolidge
35. 1924 1925-1929
36. 1928 1929-1933
37. 1932 1933-1937 32nd - Franklin D. Roosevelt
38. 1936 1937-1941
39. 1940 1941-1945
40. 1944 1945 Died of cerebral hemorrhage.
1945-1949 33rd - Harry S. Truman
41. 1948 1949-1953
42. 1952 1953-1957
43. 1956 1957-1961
44. 1960 1961-1963 35th - John F. Kennedy Assassinated.
1963-1965 36th - Lyndon Johnson
45. 1964 1965-1969
46. 1968 1969-1973 37th - Richard Nixon
47. 1972 1973-1974 Resigned from office.
1974-1977 38th - Gerald Ford
48. 1976 1977-1981
49. 1980 1981-1985
50. 1984 1985-1989
51. 1988 1989-1993
52. 1992 1993-1997
53. 1996 1997-2001
54. 2000 2001-2005 George W. Bush This was a Leap Year.
55. 2004 2005-2009
56. 2008 2009-2013 Barack Obama Recent Election
57. 2012 2013-2017 Next Election
58. 2016 2017-2021