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The Hadean Eon started with the formation of the Earth and the Moon and lasted around 4 GYA.

A recent study theorized that the heavy bombardment during the Hadean eon brought either life or the building blocks to life to Earth: meteors from this bombardment may of had phosphorus material, which a building block for life.[1] There is speculation that the earth was covered in water, and wasn't molten during this time: this eon was named after hellish conditions, as it was thought Earth was a molten planet at this time.[2] Rocks formed during the Hadeon Eon were formed under a relatively low temperature that suggests there was water on the planet to keep temperatures steady.

The Hadean is comprised of three eras: Paleohadean, Mesohadean, and Neohadean. The Prenectarian and Nectarian periods are the Moon's corresponding time frame.

Lunar equivalent

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Prenectarian period

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The Prenectarian period lasted from the creation of the Earth and moon 4,533 MYA until 3,920 MYA.

Nectarian period

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The Nectarian period was from 3,920 MYA ago to 3,850 MYA. This is the time after the heavy bombardment.


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  1. USF researchers: Life-producing phosphorus carried to Earth by meteorites, University of South Florida Health, 2013
  2. New study: Hell not as bad as we thought, ANU, 2005