Portworkers ergonomic status

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Title Survey of the Dockworkers Ergonomic health by the use of the Nordic Questionnaire
Student ..
University/ institute ..
Supervisors ..
Data supplier Possible: The dockworkers unions
Ethical considerations The ethical rules for database research in the university are complied with. Confidentiality in handling personal information is done according to the rules set out by the National Data Protection Agencies. Research department is notified. The dataset is anonymous.
Data ownership and rights to publish

The data Supplier (name) is the data owner with the right to publish the results based on the student's Thesis. In agreement, the student has the right to be first or a co-author by compliance with the rules for authorship after agreement

Brief description of the proposed project Through time, the mental pressure became greater through industrialization, and the work was characterized by manual, physically hard work. While the physical strain is reduced with various aids, still ergonomic complaints exist. If the results show that there is still ergonomic complaints there is also something to achieve for longer and better quality of life for dock workers.
Research question How are the prevalence of the indicators for:

1. Workplace Ergonomics

Project objectives To study the prevalence of the workplace ergonomic indicators
Project methodology 1.     Systematic literature review (PRISMA)

2.     Epidemiological, analysis of Nordic MSC Questionnaire (STROBE*)

Besides the questionnaire data, the variables include health, smoking, demographic indicators on person, age, gender, nationality, work areas on harbor, job-position, leader/non-leader, and work environment indicators

Research population? Dock workers in (city name) and other harbours
Type of project Cross-sectional epidemiological analysis of questionnaire data and a systematic literature study
Type of project are you thinking of? “               Literature review

“               Questionnaire based analysis and report (epidemiology)

What kind of support can you provide to our student? Supervision for the study and thesis writing

Research methodological training

Data set available for analysis – or help to collect new data

Project start and end To be defined
Other comments PRISMA and STROBE are international guidelines for systematic scientific study reporting