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At this stage, we need a list of FLOSS for Science. Please add - even just a name and a link ... or links to other sites with lists. If you have time and feel inclined, feel free to redesign this page. Thanks :-).

Previously Featured

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FLOSS Type of Users Description URL Links
Science-oriented distros Scientists Complete free operating systems for scientists various SL, ...
GNU Octave Scientists doing numerical computation A high-level language, primarily intended for numerical computations Octave home FAQ, Docs,...
The R Project Researchers needing statistical software A free software environment for statistical computing and graphics Home FAQs


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If you have time, please move these and expand. Thanks :-)

  • BLAST - (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) aligns biological sequences locally and rapidly using heuristic techniques to speed the search.
  • Hadoop! - platform that lets one easily write and run applications that process vast amounts of data.
  • LINPACK - a collection of Fortran subroutines that analyze and solve linear equations and linear least-squares problems.
  • List from OpenWetWare - including molecular biology, biotechnology, etc.
  • Nano Hive
  • NIH ImageJ - image processing and analysis - biological images.
  • openDesktop.org - click on Scientific.
  • Scilab - numerical computation.
  • TiLP - a linking program for Texas Instruments' graphing calculators.
  • Weft QDA - tool to assist in the analysis of textual data such as interview transcripts, written texts and fieldnotes.
  • wxMaxima - Computer Algebra System
  • Xfig - drawing
  • Xmgrace - WYSIWYG 2D plotting tool.
  • Science-oriented distros on DistroWatch.


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Package Overview Comments Rating
JFreeChart Charting application with a wide range of charts. Consider integrating with OpenOffice.org (Calc/ Base) and/or Kexi, etc. 8/10
KChart Charting application for KDE Please test this ... also under Gnome. 0
Open Source Charting & Reporting Tools in Java A list including JFreeChart and jCharts JFreeChart seems most comprehensive - check out the samples. 8/10

Data mining

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  • MATH - OpenOffice.org's component for mathematical equations.
  • OOo Statistics
  • JMathLib
  • Agros2D - solving partial differential equations.
  • PSPP - a program for statistical analysis of sampled data.
  • gretl - Gnu Regression, Econometrics and Time-series Library.
Package Overview Comments Rating
Octave A high-level language, primarily intended for numerical computations. It provides a convenient command line interface for solving linear and nonlinear problems numerically, and for performing other numerical experiments using a language that is mostly compatible with Matlab. It may also be used as a batch-oriented language. See also: Octave Integration. Highly regarded widely! 8/10
R A free software environment for statistical computing and graphics. Highly regarded widely! 8/10
CALCULIX Three-Dimensional Structural Finite Element Program - designed to solve field problems. ... 0/10
SAGE Open Source Mathematics Software Blog post
RGnumeric Plugin enabling R functions to be called via R commands and used like buit-in GNumeric functions. ...
  • Ctioga
  • Approximatrix - (not really science oriented).
  • gnuplot - a portable command-line driven graphing utility for various platforms.

See Charting above.


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Package Overview Comments Rating
Freemind ... ... 8/10
MindRaider ... ...


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Grid and Cluster Computing

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Reviews, Surveys, Lists, Communities, etc.

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  • ....


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Molecular biology

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Package Overview Comments Rating
... ... ... 0/10
... ... ... 0/10


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Package Overview Comments Rating
... ... ... 0/10
... ... ... 0/10

GIS and Spatial Analytical Tools

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Suggestion: categorise as Viewer, Intermediate Spatial Analysis Tool, or Advanced Spatial Analysis Tool. See also: w:List of geographic information systems software.

Package Overview Comments Rating
GRASS ... ... 0/10
  • As an alternative desktop GIS
  • To distribute data to others
  • To develop and distribute custom spatial data analyses
Not quite Spatial Analyst, but getting there 7/10
QGIS supports vector, raster, and database formats. 5/10
Open Source GIS List Many useful spatial viewing, analysis and manipulation tools. 8/10
GISKnoppix ... ... 0/10
MapServer ... ... 5/10
Free GIS List of FreeGIS software packages ... 4/10
Cocoon ArcIms ... ... 0/10
OSSIM Remote sensing/ image processing/ GIS package ... 0/10
SAGA GIS A free geographic information system (GIS), with a special 'Application Programming Interface' (API) for geographic data processing The SAGA API supports grid data, vector data, and tables. ...
GeOxygene An open framework which implements OGC/ISO specifications for the development and deployment of geographic (GIS) applications ...
Thuban An interactive geographic data viewer ... ...
TreeSap Qualitative querying GIS Rather than specifying a query using numerical measurements ("within 5km"), English phrases are used ("near"), etc.

Desktop GISs

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Modeling and Simulation

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Some of the software listed elsewhere on this page may include modelling and simulation possibilities. For now, we just list any FLOSS with modelling and simulation capabilities which may be used for scientific applications, education and research.


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If you use any software on the following lists for learning/teaching, please unpack details elsewhere on this page and add links to your learning resources etc. elsewhere on this FLOSS4Science portal:


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The following may be used in multiple domains:

Domain Specific

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The following are associated with specific domains of application, though some may be applied in others with a bit of imagination:

  • SkyEye - an integrated simulation environment for embedded computer systems
  • OpenSimulator - a 3D Application Server for creating virtual environments
  • JMCAD - a program for the modelling and simulation of complex dynamic systems

Developer Tools

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Especially where these have a slant towards some aspect of science.

Package Overview Comments Rating
... ... ... 0/10
... ... ... 0/10