Portal:Complex Systems Digital Campus/emergent management

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Emergent Management and Complex Systems

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The e-Team in short

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Emergent Industrial Ecosystems, Lean, Auto-organisation


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  • Scientific team leader: Pierre Masai
  • Team animator: Jean Vieille
  • Other members: Pierre Parrend, Pierre Collet, Bertrand Rose


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The e-Team hosts e-hoshin, a powerful tool for aligning the objectives of organisations with emergent proposals of all of their employees so as to leverage organisation dynamics at multiple scales:


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Human organizations and biological organisms are different kinds of complex systems, yet comparable in some aspects. Organizations life expectancy appears to be shorter than humans (half-life found to be about 10 years for publicly traded companies . This is surprizing as organizations ability to change every and each of their components grants them potentially everlasting existence; it suggests that management of operations (metabolism) and development (ontogenesis) is statistically inadequate for a sustained existence. The reasons for organizations failure and death can be summarized by a mismatching purpose and dynamics against their environment. The current times are not relatively different as environment dynamics and management approaches keep challenging each other. This issue aims at supporting efforts towards the U.N. Sustainable Development Goal n. 9: Industry, Innovation, Infrastructures.


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Emergence is a property of complex systems developing adaptive features and capabilities that do not pertain to their components, including deterministic and chaotic behaviours, intelligence, culture… at different scales (workplace, business unit, enterprise, industry sector…). It depends on many factors in addition to their individual components’ qualities (humans, machines, IT applications…): variety management, interactions density and quality, systemic balances (development vs operations effort, autonomy vs control, internal vs external control…).


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The e-team “Emergent Management and Complex Systems” of the CS-DC eLaboratory on the Factory of the Future seeks to free and leverage emergence of complex systems to help organizations staying relevant and becoming more responsive toward their environment. This may include addressing following challenges:

  • Emergent management of organisations: evaluating the use and impact of operational management practices such as Lean, theory of constraints, Six sigma… to improve their implementation effectiveness, exploring new management approaches, while considering human factor
  • Emergent management of IT services: evaluating information technology (positive and negative) impact on emergence to advise suitable design and integration schemes
  • Emergent management of IT systems: Proposing novel algorithms for supervision, predictive maintenance, prediction of failures in interconnected industrial ecosystems
  • Handling emergent threats of IT systems: Proposing novel for cybersecurity approaches for such interconnected industrial ecosystems

Expected output

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This work will enable organizations to benefit from industry best and prospective practices in order to adjust their dynamics according to their environment: this should lead to more sustainable (hence competitive) firms; more skilled, performing and satisfied employees; better fit to market and social environment.

One example is emergence aware decision taking, like in the hoshin process, where all members of a division participate in the definition of the strategic plan. Such processes aim at creating both a cognitive-like process, and at supporting the internal evolution of employees without negative impact on the overall stability, allowing organisational autopoeïsis.

The project goals restrict a large area of concerns to information technology, addressing what is better known as Digital Transformation without its technology aspects.

Operating mode

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The project will gather a team of researchers and practitioners for an undefined duration Leveraging available knowledge, practices and theories to deliver applicable methodologies or guidelines. Activities may include, and will not be limited to

  • Arouse researches and practitioners’ interest
  • Spur research works and collaboration
  • Reference and gather existing work on a topical portal, publish new work
  • Conduct physical and online meetings, workshops and conferences
  • Establish partnership with other organizations

Get involved

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The e-team ‘Emergent Management and Complex Systems (EM-CS)’ relies in particular on the BICS research platform of ICube Laboratory (member of CS-DC through the University of Strasbourg) and of the Factory of the Future Platform of ECAM Strasbourg-Europe (also a member institution of CS-DC).

Call for Partnership

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The CS-DC 4P Factor e-Lab is seeking partnering organizations to support this project. Any type of support is appreciated:

  • Simple sponsoring acknowledging the interest of the organization for this project, contributing to its promotion
  • Logistic sponsoring for providing operational resources (collaboration technology, event organization)
  • Financial contribution for balancing participant expenses (travel, accommodation…)

Call for participation

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Researchers and practitioners from academia and industry interested in sharing and expanding their experience and ideas on the subject are invited to submit their intention to register. There is no relevant list of topics, as problems with complex systems can potentially affect all areas of science.

Bibliography & resources

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  • P. Masai, Modeling the lean organization as a complex system, Directeur de thèse : P. Collet, Rapporteurs: D. Jones, R. Waldeck, Examinateurs: C. Zanni-Merk, V. Thomas-Vaslin, P. Bourgine, Université de Strasbourg, Thèse de doctorat, 29 septembre 2017
  • P. Masai, P. Parrend, N. Toussaint, P. Collet, Is the Lean Organisation a complex system ?, Complex System Digital Campus'15, Tempe, AZ, United States, septembre 2015
  • P. Masai, P. Parrend, C. Zanni-Merk, Towards a Formal Model of the Lean Enterprise, 19th International Conference on Knowledge Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, Singapour, Singapore, pages 226-235, Procedia Computer Science, Volume 60, septembre 2015, doi:10.1016/j.procs.2015.08.122
  • Verrier, B., Rose, B., Caillaud, E., & Remita, H. (2014). Combining organizational performance with sustainable development issues: the Lean and Green project benchmarking repository. Journal of Cleaner Production, 85, 83-93
  • Daepp, M. I., Hamilton, M. J., West, G. B., & Bettencourt, L. M. (2015). The mortality of companies. Journal of The Royal Society Interface, 12(106), 20150120.

Member of

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promotes international inter-university cooperation and networking to enhance institutional capacities through knowledge sharing and collaborative work. The programme supports the establishment of UNESCO Chairs and UNITWIN Networks in key priority areas related to UNESCO’s fields of competence – i.e. in education, the natural and social sciences, culture and communication.

Complex System Digital Campus

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The Complex Systems Digital Campus is an world wide network of individuals and institutions working together and sharing resources to promote research and education in complex systems science and in integrative sciences. This large scale collaborative work will embody social intelligent strategies towards new scientific and educational practices, dealing with the difficult scientific, societal and environmental challenges of an increasingly interconnected world.

http://www.cs-dc.org https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/Portal:Complex_Systems_Digital_Campus

e-Lab Factory of the Future / 4P Factory

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The objective of this e-lab is to bring the power of complex systems to the factory floor: solutions for industrial engineering, economical ecosystems, and numerical tools will be gathered and referenced in a single place. Software, Data, Pedagogical resources and platforms will enable researchers, but also the industry, to get immediate advantage of the last advanced of complex systems.