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Portal:Complex Systems Digital Campus/E-Laboratory on 4P Factory

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E-laboratory on The Factory of the Future: towards a participative, predictive, preventive, personalized industry (4P Factory)

Scientific description

Name, e-mail, website and institution

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Members of the 4P-Factory e-lab

Shared resources

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Shared Software, pedagogical items, databases, platforms and infrastructures are to be announced.

Coordination committee

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  • Pierre Parrend
  • Cecilia-Zanni-Merk
  • Claudia Eckert

E-laboratory Scientific Committee

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  • Masanori Sugisaka (Alife Robotics, Japan)
  • Juan Julian Merelo (University Granada, Spain)
  • Jeffrey Johnson (Open University, UK)

Work planning

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The objective of the CS-DC UNESCO UniTwin is to create a North-South-South and East-West network of scientists from all disciplines and institutions for embodying socially intelligent strategies in research and education on complex systems science.

Within the new science of Complex Systems, the objective of the 'Factory of the Future: towards a participative, predictive, preventive, personalized industry (4P Factory) is to study and develop solutions for making complex system concepts and tools available for handling industrial challenges:

  • Industrial engineering and the factory environment
  • Economical ecosystems
  • Emergent numerical solutions for the 4P industry

The e-laboratory will organize the creation, sharing and integration of all resources for these strategies. The sharing of necessary resources will be done in the closest possible way with the other institutions having the same sharing goal. Resources will be referenced in a central portal to ease their access to researchers and practitioners. Resources can be open as well as private, so as to support both open science and creating direct contacts between partners having common interest.

The main functions of the 4P Factory e-lab is thus to play the role of an enabler for diffusing the use of complex system approach in the industrial domain.


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A new industrial revolution has started: the Factory of the Future is about to bring individual orders to high volume product lines, by supporting constant re-organization and product-driven manufacturing.

It is also of critical importance that a structure being able to foster cross-disciplinary research AND innovation for the 4P factory supports and structure the current efforts of the community.

The objective of this e-lab is to bring the power of complex systems to the factory floor: solutions for industrial engineering, economical ecosystems, and numerical tools will be gathered and referenced in a single place. Software, Data, Pedagogical resources and platforms will enable researchers, but also the industry, to get immediate advantage of the last advanced of complex systems.

The Future Factory is built by the interconnection of following elements:

  • The cyber-physical system, ie. computer-driven manufacturing robots and machines
  • The Internet of Things: each material and product becomes addressable
  • The Internet of Services: the factory becomes integrated in a top-down way (from the production line to management) and in a transversal way (from suppliers to customers)
  • The Internet of Humans: From to customers to designers, every stakeholder is integrated in the control loops of the factory

The current research frameworks are defined:

  • By the H2020 program and EFFRA association: focus is on the development of advanced processes, new materials, tight interconnection between enterprises, simulation tools, and training knowledge workers
  • By national or private organisms like the BMBF in Germany or the Gimelec in France. Key blockers identified by the BMBF are: security, lack of norms, missing competencies, insufficient network infrastructure, and cost. Core stakes listed by the Gimelec are: sensors, control/command systems, connected robots, suitable software libraries, logistics, cybersecurity, energetic cost.

Whereas these requirements and programs pave the way for focused research efforts, we claims that the ‘4th industrial revolution’ need not only change the way systems are designed and built, but also the very paradigm underlying there capabilities. We claim that the Future Factory will only become a reality if it becomes a 4P Factory: Participative, Predictive, Preventive, and Personalized.

  • Participative: Top-down management is forced to its limits in a hyper-connected world. Emergent production as well as management practices, AI-based automation processes, product-driven lines strive for a bottom-up approach to manufacturing and industry
  • Predictive: Based on prod line monitoring and previous experience, new products can be designed, simulated and produced with great reliance and reduced costs. Quality as well as security issues are considered.
  • Preventive: Prediction enables anticipation of potential problems and control of risks. Quality as well as security issues are considered.
  • Personalized: Clients and suppliers become actors of the prod line through customer feedback and small loop logistics systems. Individual needs are served through high volume prod lines able to answer individualized orders.

The switch to the 4P Factory requires switching models, switch paradigms, and switch minds. This is why we strongly believe the 4P Factory can only be designed and implemented in the context of the UNESCO Unitwin Complex System – Digital Campus.

Research projects in the e-laboratory

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The research project organisation is still to be validated with the elab members.

Only members having already expressed their interest for a specific project are listed here.

Industrial engineering and the factory environment

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  • Claudia Eckert
  • Laurent Deroussi
  • Ricardo Palma; Paula Castesana

References: To be given.

Economical ecosystems

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Participants: To be announced References: To be given.

Emergent numerical solutions for the 4P industry

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  • Juan Julian Merelo
  • Pierre Parrend
  • Cecilia Zanni-Merk

References: To be given.

URL for the Website and/or Wiki of the e-laboratory

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