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Portal:Complex Systems Digital Campus/CS-DC 2020 elections, manifestos and results

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**Please login in Wikiversity and then use the 'edit' button: your edition mode will be 'WYSIWYG'. Each Candidature with its manifesto can take inspiration from those for previous years. The deadline for your candidature are Monday 11th 2023 at 24:00 CET. In 2023, the election is only for the President

New Candidatures to the Executive Committee for [2024, 2025]

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Enver Oruro Puma, Ph.D., Principal Investigator of Neurocomputing, Social Simulation, and Complex Systems Laboratory at the Instituto Científico of Universidad Andina del Cusco, Peru

Dear Councillor of the UNESCO UniTwin CS-DC. I am very honored to place my candidature for the UNESCO UniTwin CS-DC Executive Committee. I am Enver Miguel Oruro Puma, Ph.D., principal investigator of Neurocomputing, Social Simulation, and Complex Systems Laboratory at the Instituto Científico of Universidad Andina del Cusco, Peru (https://sites.google.com/view/orurolab/). Since 2009, I have promoted and organized conferences and academic events on Complex Systems in Latin America. Recently, I have promoted the area of computational neuroscience on infant attachment (https://sites.google.com/view/envermiguel/seminar-in-maternal-infant-relationship-studies).

It would be a great honor for me if given the opportunity to contribute to the Executive Committee of UNESCO UniTwin CS-DC in the integration of Complex System research groups in the Latin American Region. For this, I propose the creation of two periodical activities: 1) A Special Lectures Series on Complex Systems UNESCO UniTwin CS-DC oriented to experts on Complex Systems, and 2) A Invited Advanced Lectures UNESCO UniTwin CS-DC oriented to experts who do not identify explicitly with complex systems

Candidature Deputy President for [2024, 2025]

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Jeffrey JOHNSON, Professor of Complexity Science and Design, The Open University, UK

I offer myself as a candidate both to be President and to the Executive Committee of The UNESCO UniTwin Complex Systems Digital Campus (CS-DC) so that I can help to drive it forward to achieve it goals.

I am particularly committed to our educational efforts. I have made four MOOCs on the FutureLearn Platform for CS-DC ( https://www.futurelearn.com/partners/unesco-unitwin-complex-systems-digital-campus ): Global Systems Science (2015-16); Systems Thinking and Complexity (2017-18); First Steps in Data Science with Google Analytics (2018-19) and COVID-19 - Pandemics, Modelling and Policy (2020). CS-DC has a great opportunity to become the global university providing interdisciplinary education for a better world.

I am also committed to our research mission with UNESCO towards the achieving the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals. My own research on representing the dynamics of complex multilevel systems is relevant to many of the research initiatives of CS-DC.

I have extensive experience working within the complex systems community. I have run various coordination actions supporting research programmes funded by the European Commission, I am a founder member and past president of the Complex Systems Society, and I am Deputy-President of the CS-DC. I believe this experience will enable me to make a significant contribution the CS-DC over the next three years.

New Elected President for [2023, 2024]

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Paul BOURGINE, present President of the UNESCO UniTwin CS-DC, Complex Systems Institute of Paris I offer myself as a candidate to be President of The UNESCO UniTwin Complex Systems Digital Campus (CS-DC). My previous commitment two years ago is below. The bad news is that it was not achieved. The good new is that we know now how to create 'autonomous community of autonomous communities' as a social network with IPFS (the InterPlanetary File System) like the new development of Wikipedia. If elected, my first commitment is to finish this job as quickly as possible. My second commitment is simultaneously to visit each country of the UniTwin for creating its country.CS-DC and its roadmap with young eTeams shared by their Universities with a senior scientific committee. The eTeam projects will have the opportunity to be submitted to the EU calls or other ones.

Enver Oruro PhD, Head of Neurocomputing, Social Simulation and Complex Systems Laboratory, Universidad Andina del Cusco, Peru. I would like to nominate Professor Paul Bourgine.

New Elected Members to the Executive Committee for [2022,2023, 2024]

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2Dr Mohamed Abdellahi (Ould BABAH) Ebbe, Mauritania,

  • General Director of the Institut du Sahel/CILSS www.insah.org;

·       Commissionaire General of CILSS for Horticulture Universal  Expo of DOHA 2023-2024   https://www.dohaexpo2023.gov.qa/en/ with central thems:


  • Executive Director of the Orthopterist Society (400 researchers among the globe) https://orthsoc.org/
  • We have organized our last congress during 16-20 0ctober in Merida Mexique


By obtaining the honor of having your hoped-for confidence for continuing this post of member of the executive council of the CS-DC, I will work, in priority and in the short term on two main subjects:

  1. The transboundary plague of the Desert Locust (Schistocerca gregaria (Forska l , 1775)) This plague of the Desert Locust of more than 3000 years that cites all our holy books (the Tourah, the Bible and the Koran) and which continues to be present to this day and to wreak devastating devastation. In case of invasion, it can affect the agriculture and pastures of about 25 countries including those of the poorest countries of the world, from Mauritania to India, while its best and most effective strategy of struggle is preventive struggle by targeting its first centers of gregarization which are very small in space and much better known today. In 2005, the costs of its struggle in the Sahel and North Africa amounted to half a billion dollars, with 8 million farmers and pastoralists affected in the Sahel. It also massively invaded Asia and Africa. 'East Africa in 2020. On this subject, I have spent 30 years studying and fighting and developing a national strategy against this scourge which has made it possible to establish a whole prevention model and an institutional, technical, operational mechanism. and scientific effective in my country that can be adapted and copied and in all other affected countries: Biogeography of the desert locust Schistocerca gregaria, Forskal, 1775: Identification, characterization and originality of a gregarious focus in central Mauritania (HR.HORS COLLEC.) (French Edition) - Babah Ebbe, Mohamed Abdallahi | 9782705670573 | Amazon.com.au | Books http://www.worldbank.org/en/news/feature/2010/01/07/improved-ways-to-prevent-the-desert-locust-in-mauritania-and-the-sahel, http: // whatsnext.blogs.cnn.com/2012/02/02/in-mauritania-sunny-with-a-chance-of-locusts/

All this is in addition of more than 100 publications or joint publications on the locust, its environment and management

  1. The Sahel Institute (INSAH) www.insah.org of the Permanent Interstate Committee for Drought Control (CILSS) that I lead and which has been doing extraordinary work for almost half a century in the field of research and development of animal and plant production techniques and also in the field of support for demographic, population and development policies, in favor of the populations of our 13 Sahelian, coastal and island member countries. This work covered the majority of good practice technologies in the field of plant and animal production, natural resource management, land rstauration, cultivation techniques, post-harvest, machining, dehulling operations technology. / ginning, Conservation and storage, good resilience practices

Research on the demographic dividend, gender and the empowerment of women and the Population / Development interrelations ... etc The results of all this work are contained in a database. data, online http://publications.insah.org/, containing more than 1,500 books, scientific and technical articles that will have to be modernized and connected to the CS Meta data.

As General Commissionaire of CILSS for Horticulture Universal  Expo of DOHA 2023-2024   https://www.dohaexpo2023.gov.qa/en/ with central thems:

CENTRAL THEME: GREEN DESERT, BETTER ENVIRONMENT I am working  in introducing as detailed below:

CILSS contribution to the improvement of sustainable horticultural agricultural production in a context of drought


Expo 2023 in Doha is part of the fight against desertification. The Expo will be held from 2 October 2023 to 28 March 2024 under the theme "Green Desert, Better Environment". The aim is to encourage, inspire and inform people about innovative solutions to reduce desertification. The exhibition will provide an international platform for participants, stakeholders, decision-makers, nongovernmental organizations and experts to address the global challenge of "desertification", while making a valuable contribution to achieving a sustainable future. During the 6 months of the Expo, nearly 3 million visitors from over 80 countries are expected

The objectives of this Expo are in line with those of the CILSS, which seeks to improve the living conditions of the people of the Sahel in a sustainable manner. This is why the participation of CILSS in this Expo is important for the region and its vulnerable populations.


Expo 2023 Doha, Qatar is defined by the following objectives:

-   Encourage horticultural innovation by focusing on Qatar's climate, water and soil.

-   Promote Expo 2023 in Doha, Qatar, as a catalyst for international investment and business opportunities.

-   To propose innovative actions that would allow humanity to fight against desertification more quickly and decisively before it is too late.

-   To build up useful environmental outputs for future generations.



1. Sharing experiences and best practices,

2. Building International Partnership,

3. Promoting technology and innovation

Finally, I will continue to work actively with my colleagues on the Executive Board on all aspects of other cross-border scourges but also all aspects of improving agro-sylvo-pastoral production

Dr. Xabier E. Barandiaran, Lecturer at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Department of Philosophy, Donostia - San Sebastian, Spain

I would like to present myself as a candidate for the Executive Committee. I have been the representative and coordinator between CS-DC and the University of the Basque Country since 2013. I develop my academic research at the IAS-Research Centre for Life, Mind, and Society, with a focus on the understanding of autonomous and complex adaptive systems (from biology to cognition, from brains to societies). I am the author of over 50 indexed publications on topics related to complex systems, philosophy of mind, complex epistemology, simulation models of the origins of life, minimal agency, evolutionary robotics, complex social network analysis, etc. I recently received the “Award for Distinguished Early-Career Investigator” by the International Society for Artificial Life. Overal I have been awarded with 7 different grants and have actively participated on 15 different research projects. I have also supervised 2 PhD thesis (4 more still in development) and I hold an extensive record of scientific and innovative management experience in different academic and public institutions as founder of research networks ReteCog.Net and FLOK Society – Buen Conocer and head of RDI at Barcelona City Council (2016-2018). I have also organized several national workshops, summer schools and conferences, and 2 international summer schools, 4 international workshops and one international conference. I am currently the Principal Investigator of a founded research project (with more than 30 research-collaborators) on a complex systems' approach to the concept of autonomy beyond its classical conception as an individual bounded property.

As part of my university's goal of fostering international collaboration and opening up e-learning and research initiatives I would like to get more deeply involved on CS-DC with the following goals:

  • To desing the infrastructure, learning-experience, research-experience and content for distributed, open access and high-quality digital campus facilities.
  • To involve local agents (student, teachers, researchers and institutions) on the initiative of the network.
  • To foster collaboration, co-production and resource sharing between teaching and research facilities between priviledged richer countries and lower-income ones. In particular, but not exclusively, and for obvious reasons related to sharing the same language, to foster collaboration between European and Latin-american universities, research initiatives and students through CS-DC.
  • To develop at least one prototype of a MSc level online course (and research network module) around complex cognitive systems that can serve as a model for the other fields of the network.
  • To develop a clear conceptual and communicative framework for CS-DC to be able to attract more participants, resources and broader attention and success as pioneering international initiative.

Dr. habil. László Barna Iantovics, Professor at “George Emil Palade” Univ. of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology of Tg. Mures, Romania

With the present manifesto, I would like to be a candidate for the CS-DC Executive Committee. I have been the representative of “George Emil Palade” University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology of Targu Mures from Romania in CS-DC by many years.

Some of my research and academic activities were related to the complex systems, including: publications; organized conferences (e.g. Symposium on Understanding Intelligent and Complex Systems - UICS 2009; 1st Int. Conf. on Complexity and Intelligence of the Artificial and Natural Complex Systems Medical Applications of the Complex Systems. Biomedical Computing -CANS 2008; 1st Int. Conf. on Bio-Inspired Computational Methods Used for Difficult Problems Solving. Development of Intelligent and Complex Systems - BICS 2008); membership in conference committees (e.g. Int. Conf. Emergent Properties in Natural and Artificial Complex Systems - EPNACS 2007; Workshop on Complex Systems and Self-organization Modeling -CoSSoM 2009); Journal Special Issues (e.g. Special Issue on Complexity in Sciences and Artificial Intelligence; Special Issue on Understanding Complex Systems); membership in Journal’s Editorial Boards (e.g. Complex Adaptive Systems Modeling -CASM, SpringerOpen), and contribution to research performed in projects and projects coordination (Social network of machines- SOON; Hybrid Medical Complex Systems -ComplexMediSys). I am the director of the Research Center on Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and Smart Engineering (Artemis).

I would like to involve myself much deeper in the life and activities of the CS-DC community.

My principal objectives are:

  • To involve junior and senior researchers from my university in activities regarding research and education related to complex systems.
  • To involve universities and research institutes to actively contribute to the CS-DC development.
  • To involve myself in the joint coordination with other CS-DC members of a doctoral and postdoctoral students’ group that will be involved in the CS-DC community works.
  • To strengthen the research direction with the theme: applications of intelligent complex systems and machine intelligence measuring. One of the subtopics of interest will be the application of complex systems, artificial intelligence and data science in medicine, pharmacology, and healthcare.

Flavia Mori SARTI, Ph.D., Professor and Researcher, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

I would like to present my candidature for the CS-DC Executive Committee in the period 2022-2024 to contribute to the dissemination of Complex Systems Science.

I have been representative of the University of Sao Paulo (USP) at the CS-DC since 2012, and I have been working with complex systems since the creation of the Interdisciplinary Research Group of Complex Systems Modelling at the School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities (EACH-USP) in 2006. Our research group succesfully implemented the first interdisciplinary graduate program (Master) in Complex Systems Modelling in Brazil, in 2010. I have been participating in the coordinating commission of the program since 2010, and I was coordinator of the graduate program from 2010 to 2014.

I have supervised seven students in the Master program, which resulted in thesis, book chapters, and papers published on the subject of complex systems, including models on tax evasion, health systems regulation, food policy and nutrition programs, and complex networks on scientific collaboration and international food trade. I also contributed to the organization of the e-Session "Economics as a Complex Evolutionist System" on the CS-DC'15 World e-conference in 2015, and have been invited to present seminars on complex systems applied to health economics, health technology assessment, and public policy of nutrition and health.

My goals in the CS-DC Executive Committee include:

  • To disseminate the role of CS-DC in education and research on Complex Systems, especially in Brazil and other developing countries;
  • To support and to engage other research groups working with Complex Systems for participation in the CS-DC;
  • To contribute further with management and organization of CS-DC activities during the period of 2022-2024;
  • To continue supporting capacity building in Complex Systems through the Complex Systems Modelling Program at USP;
  • To participate in innovation, research and development activities based on the application of Complex Systems in public policy and entrepreneurship.

Pr Panos Argyarakis, Professor in the University of Thessaloniki, Greece.

I have been with the Complex Systems Society since its inception in 2004 by participating in the NEST projects Dysonet and Giacs which created CSS. My experience in the Executive Committee will be to contribute towards the spreading of the Complexity idea to various levels of education throughout the different countries. I am currently the PI in an Erasmus+ network that introduces new models of teaching and investigating how is education been affected for future generations. I can contribute in decision making for such important activities, and also serve as liaison with the European Commission, and the Complex Systems Society, due to my past experience. I have extended organizational experience by organizing several internationally meetings in this field that were attended by large audiences. My research interests are related to Complex systems and Networks. Scale-free, random, and small world networks. Dynamic properties on networks, Diffusion, spreading phenomena on networks, disease spreading. Phase transitions, percolation model, reaction-diffusion processes, trapping processes. Random walks.

Ali Moussaoui, Professor, University of Tlemcen, Department of Mathematics, Algeria,

I wish to present my candidature to become member of the executive committee of the CS-DC, I wish to develop collaborations with the partner universities in the field of complex systems. I wish to participate in the creation of international mixed laboratories and international masters on complex systems.

In the past, I was responsible for a master's degree entitled: modeling of complex systems in our department, I am currently responsible for a research team entitled: Modeling of complex systems in our laboratory, I was responsible for a Franco-Algerian project on the modeling of complex systems. My research skills are focused on the modeling of complex natural and biological systems.

Carlos Gershenson, Research Professor, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.

I was involved with CS-DC in its initial years in UNESCO's UniTwin, also representing UNAM. I have been editor-in-chief of Complexity Digest since 2007. I co-organized the Conference on Complex Systems in 2017. I am currently vice-president secretary of the Complex Systems Society (CSS).

I am a strong proponent of open online learning. I managed to start a collaboration between UNAM and Coursera, which has led to more than a hundred MOOCs and millions of enrolled students.

I would be interested in strengthening the relationship between CS-DC and CSS, as well as other organizations.

Elected members to the Executive Committee for 2021

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Carlos J. BARRIOS H., PhD., Professor, Bucaramanga, Colombia

I write to express my interest to candidacy to be part of the CS-DC Executive Committee. I'm very motivated to develop actions to strengthen digital ecosystem supporting research and education proposals of our CS-DC Council. Among these years participating in the CS-DC group, I can see different ways to leverage the impact and the development of our actions with computational strategies, and now, I want to be part of the leadership council joined mutual visions.

My experience leading the Advanced Computing System for Latin America and Caribbean (SCALAC : http://scalac.redclara.net ) and as member of other leadership boards in international projects (mainly between Europe and Latin America) supports my candidature. (linkedin.com/in/carlosjaimebh) Also, my role as professor, director and researcher contributes to build the common vision of the CS-DC Council and the leadership of the CS- DC Executive Committee.

Mina TEICHER, Professor of Bar-Ilan University, Israël

I submit my candidacy to the Executive Committee of the CS Digital Campus. If elected I will work towards our following needs, using my past experience in Professional international societies, universities managements and the data industry : 

  • We need in the near future to build an optimal and effective agreement with the Complex System Society.
  • We need to build a business  plan for fund raising.
  • We need to build a modular budget for 2021.
  • We need to build a strategy for geographically extension. 
  • We need to build a strategy for thematic  extension. 
  • We need to build partnerships with the big multi national high tech Companies in network and in content. 

Yasmin MERALI, Professor of University of Hull, UK

This manifesto is connected with the ideals that I had as a founding member of our UniNet which was conceived as part of the FP7 ASSYST project. CS-DC has come a long way since its initial conception. The way I see it, there are three categories that have grown to emerge as our core activities-

  • Capacity building through education and training in Complex Systems Science
  • The application of Complex Systems Science to address global challenges
  • The advancement of Complex Systems Science through research and development.

I believe this is a good time to link back to the inception of our UNITWIN which was in part inspired by considerations of issues at a human scale, and the desire to address the inequalities that divided the so-called developed and developing countries. This resonates strongly with the ambition of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) we are currently grappling with. In the growth phase of the UNITWIN and CSDC we have been focused on extending the size of the network, and scaling up our educational offerings across the digital campus. In the next phase I believe we need to:

  1. understand and leverage the diversity and distinctive capabilities and resources (e.g. indigenous knowledge) of the countries in our network to develop a healthy ecosystem, and
  2. tailor the support that we provide to align with the diverse nature of their relational and social capital and their economic, political and environmental challenges and priorities with regard to the SDGs.

I am concerned that if we do not explicitly design a social/ideational exchange mechanism that attends to these two imperatives, we will not have full, active participation of all member institutions, and the countries of the South that do not currently have champions in Europe will be marginalized.

If elected I would champion a strategy of organizing ourselves following the Complex Adaptive Systems paradigm, as a hyper network with dynamically connected local clusters. In practical terms I would like to begin by establishing the local (country-based) clusters and establishing a discourse that would allow us to map the diverse profiles, challenges and aspirations for the different countries. This would then form the basis for the development of a mechanism for shaping the meaningful collaborative development of our three core activities to deliver advances that are globally co-ordinated and locally responsive.

Personal Profile: I am Professor of Systems Thinking at the University of Hull and have served as Director of the Centre Systems Studies there. Prior to that I was Co-Director of the Doctoral Training Centre for Complex Systems Science at the University of Warwick. My research is transdisciplinary, focusing on the use of Complex Systems Science to enhance the resilience of socio-economic systems. I am an Expert advisor to the EU and I have significant experience of lecturing internationally as Visiting Professor in Asia, Europe and the USA.

Céline ROZENBLAT: Professor, University of Lausanne - Institut de géographie et de durabilité (IGD), Switzerland

I'm pleased to applied to become member of the CS-DC council. As founding member of CS-DC, my university, the university of Lausanne, is very engaged in Complex sciences. I would not only represent my university, but also social science as geographer and vice-president of the International Geographical Union and member of the International Science Council commission on Urban Health and Well being. I would act in the council in specific programs to develop the reality of the Digital Campus of the Complex systems.

All these actions combine very ambitious interdisciplinary approaches, and in this perspective, we developed with CS-DC for 3 years the TIMES Flagship Territorial Intelligence For Multilevel Equity And Sustainability. It comprises four main programs:

SIRE: Socially Intelligence Roadmap Ecosystem
POLE: Personalized Open Lifelong Education
WOSI: Worldwide Open Smart Innovation
WOSP: Worldwide Open Stochastic Prediction 

In this perspective a MOOC « Healthy Urban system » is now in development, basing the interdisciplinary approach on the CS-DC Road-Map grid. It seems very useful and relevant in this implementation stage. I would help to develop other programs in this perspective\[Ellipsis]

André TINDANO, Director General of CARFS (African Center for Research and Training in Synecoculture)

What motivates me to aspire to the position of member of the executive committee of CS DC is my long term participation in the promotion of sustainable development and my commitment to the sharing of knowledge and expertise.

My research interests Sustainable agriculture, ecology, nutrition, life science. I have a strong experience in:

  • Administration and management of development projects and programs;
  • Accompaniment of associations and groups;
  • Technical capacity building (animation of training sessions and reflection workshops).
  • Action research;
  • Sociological, socio-economic and economic studies.
  • Development of development projects and programs;
  • Training of trainers
  • Results Based Management Training (RBM)
  • Monitoring and evaluation of development programs and projects;
  • Management of programs and development projects;
  • Institutional development and organizational strengthening;
  • Development and implementation of training / awareness / animation program;
  • Very good knowledge of participatory methods

Guiou KOBAYASHI, Associate Professor at Federal University of ABC in São Paulo State, Brazil.

I worked with fault-tolerant computer systems for nuclear power plants and Metro signaling systems and recently my interests have evolved to resilience properties of Complex Systems. Traditionally, redundancy was the main feature for fault-tolerant and fail-safe systems, but the adaptability and the evolution of Complex Systems are the key elements for the resilience of these systems. How to characterize, design and implement these key elements in our future resilient systems? The Complex System - Digital Campus (CS-DC) is a way to create a world-wide community of researchers, philosophers and students to promote and discuss this kind of questions involving Complex Systems. For me, participating in its foundation was a great honor and I am very glad for the opportunity that I have had to contribute since 2012 in the consolidation of CS-DC.

Through this manifest I am applying to be one of the members of the new CS-DC's Executive Committee. I would like to help just a little more to strengthen and structure this fantastic community through which I had the opportunity to meet important people with very interesting works that expanded my knowledge of Complex Systems. Although my University and my personal contribution for CS-DC are very limited and small, I hope to continue to work with this great team.

Pierre COLLET, Professor of Computer Science, University of Strasbourg, France. Co-coordinator of the CS-DC UNESCO UniTwin

The CS-DC initiated by Paul Bourgine, Jeffrey Johnson, Cyrille Bertelle and many others has been an extraordinary adventure a) to instantiate as a UNESCO UniTwin and b) to develop and run since it was enacted in July 2014. Many a night have been spent on designing its inner workings, so that it can deliver an effective affordance for the scientists who wish to develop the science and teaching of Complex Systems. Indeed, many projects seeded in the CS-DC have come to fruition, showing the enormous potential of this fertile environment not only for research, but also for teaching: the BBB rooms set up by the CS-DC have not only made it possible for the CS-DC to organize conferences, but have also shown their potential as remote teaching rooms in many Universities around the world.

It has been an honour for me to be part of the development of the CS-DC since its beginning, but so much remains to be done!

In this manifesto, I hereby express my strong desire to continue developing the CS-DC in these trying times, when the effects of the pandemics stretch thin the social links that our research and teaching communities need most. My objectives for this new mandate are not only to deliver a new world conference (originally planned in 2020 but unfortunately delayed due to the high toll imposed on us all, teachers and researchers alike, by COVID-19) but also continue on developing not only efficient complex computational ecosystems (cheap powerful PARSEC machines have been installed in several universities) but more specifically remote teaching environments based on complex systems, to mitigate the terrible impact of the pandemic on face to face education, within the POEM CS-DC flagship, on which Paul Bourgine and myself have been working for many years now..

Mariana C. BROENS, Professor - UNESP - BRAZIL.

As members of the Executive Committee, our main challenge will be to raise, analyse and to discuss possible positive/negative ethical and political implications of the further development of the Complex Systems Science, and their application on studies of everyday social problems. In particular, We believe that the widespread use of complex system models and Big Data analytics can bring important questions about people's privacy, personal and corporate responsibility, widespread surveillance by public or private institutions, among many others, that should be deeply discussed in our community. Our contribution will be to raise and deepen these discussions from an interdisciplinary perspective.

Cyrille Bertelle, Professor in Computer Sciences, University Le Havre, France, co-coordinator of the CS-DC UNESCO UniTwin

I am a candidate for the CS-DC Executive Committee to represent the University of Le Havre Normandy, which is co-coordinator with the University of Strasbourg of the convention of recognition of the CS-DC as UniTwin by UNESCO. The University of Le Havre has made available to the community, resources and skills to provide digital collaborative tools for the organization of the Councils and the CS-DC'15 virtual conference.

The objective I wish to take is to facilitate the involvement of member universities not only by their representatives on the council but by allowing researchers from these member institutions to join concrete and accessible actions.

Co-responsible in the past of a master's degree on complex systems and then of the creation of the institute on complex systems in Normandie (France) in a multidisciplinary framework, I have participated in the setting up of the project labeled by the French national program of investments for the future and entitled "Smart Port City". The aim is to think about the future of territories in a sustainable development approach supported by new technologies and concerned about the environment and the well-being of their citizens. My research skills are focused on implementing the complexity of complex dynamic systems and networks, crossing behavioral scales from the interaction of human behaviors to the technical networks of the territory.

The book "complex systems, smart territories and mobility" from the Springer's Understanding Complex Systems series, which will be published in January 2021 (https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783030593018) illustrates the research coordination actions that I lead in these fields.

Slimane Ben Miled, Senior Researcher at Pasteur Institute of Tunis, Professor at ENIT

Our Tunisian consortium want to constitute a collaborative Research Training Programs to increase data science capacity related to health research in Africa by building trainings and enhancing institutional capacity at African academic institutions. The academy/project is based on 4 pillars to build a training ecosystem for Data and Engineering Science in health.

  1. A platform of federated master’s programs with à la carte optional courses covering informatics/computer science, biomedical informatics, data science, statistics, and public health). Each program will keep its independence, with a mention to the academy label, and this platform will allow to enrich the training with optional modules, seminars, and courses in the partner institutions. New curricula will be created in relation to ethical issues.
  2. Network of Doctoral programs and Executive programs
  3. Platform of federated Business incubator and a career center offers training, support and funding for projects related to the project’s topic.

This challenge is in perfect agreement with the Sustainable Development Goal 3 and the CS-DC flagship PHYSIOMES (Personalized Health phYSIcally, sOcially and Mentally for Each in their networkS).

Masa Funabashi: researcher of open complex systems at Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc.

I would like to contribute to the executive committee of CS-DC on the following two pillars:

  • Promote the FOOD (From smart agrOecOnomy to smart fooD) flagship project that aims to resolve the health-diet-environment trilemma through the promotion of sustainable food systems, in collaboration with the e-lab "human augmentation of ecosystems" members institution: Sony CSL, Synecoculture Association, CARFS, and those who wish to participate in CS-DC collaboration.
  • Construct a basic e-learning content on Synecoculture and ecological literacy as a part of CS-DC MOOCs and perform initial trials, principally in ECOWAS countries, through the Sony CSL-CARFS collaboration.

Through the development of on-going activities in FOOD project and making synergy with other flagship projects, I would like to contribute CS-DC as a member of the executive committee and realize further extension toward the achievement of global sustainability goals such as SDGs.

Dr Mohamed Abdellahi (Ould BABAH) Ebbe, Mauritania,

  • General Director of the Institut du Sahel/CILSS www.insah.org;
  • Executive Director of the Orthopterist Society (400 researchers among the globe) https://orthsoc.org/

By obtaining the honor of having your hoped-for confidence for this post of member of the executive council of the CS-DC, I will work, in priority and in the short term on two main subjects:

  1. The transboundary plague of the Desert Locust (Schistocerca gregaria (Forska l , 1775)) This plague of the Desert Locust of more than 3000 years that cites all our holy books (the Tourah, the Bible and the Koran) and which continues to be present to this day and to wreak devastating devastation. In case of invasion, it can affect the agriculture and pastures of about 25 countries including those of the poorest countries of the world, from Mauritania to India, while its best and most effective strategy of struggle is preventive struggle by targeting its first centers of gregarization which are very small in space and much better known today. In 2005, the costs of its struggle in the Sahel and North Africa amounted to half a billion dollars, with 8 million farmers and pastoralists affected in the Sahel. It also massively invaded Asia and Africa. 'East Africa in 2020. On this subject, I have spent 30 years studying and fighting and developing a national strategy against this scourge which has made it possible to establish a whole prevention model and an institutional, technical, operational mechanism. and scientific effective in my country that can be adapted and copied and in all other affected countries: Biogeography of the desert locust Schistocerca gregaria, Forskal, 1775: Identification, characterization and originality of a gregarious focus in central Mauritania (HR.HORS COLLEC.) (French Edition) - Babah Ebbe, Mohamed Abdallahi | 9782705670573 | Amazon.com.au | Books http://www.worldbank.org/en/news/feature/2010/01/07/improved-ways-to-prevent-the-desert-locust-in-mauritania-and-the-sahel, http: // whatsnext.blogs.cnn.com/2012/02/02/in-mauritania-sunny-with-a-chance-of-locusts/
  2. The Sahel Institute (INSAH) www.insah.org of the Permanent Interstate Committee for Drought Control (CILSS) that I lead and which has been doing extraordinary work for almost half a century in the field of research and development of animal and plant production techniques and also in the field of support for demographic, population and development policies, in favor of the populations of our 13 Sahelian, coastal and island member countries. This work covered the majority of good practice technologies in the field of plant and animal production, natural resource management, land restauration, cultivation techniques, post-harvest, machining, dehulling operations technology. / ginning, Conservation and storage, good resilience practices

Research on the demographic dividend, gender and the empowerment of women and the Population / Development interrelations ... etc The results of all this work are contained in a database. data, online http://publications.insah.org/, containing more than 1,500 books, scientific and technical articles that will have to be modernized and connected to the CS Meta data.

Finally, I will work actively with my colleagues on the Executive Board on all aspects of other cross-border scourges but also all aspects of improving agro-sylvo-pastoral production tools as well as the fight against poverty and food insecurity and nutrition in line with the goals (SDGs)

Dr. Habil. László Barna Iantovics, Associate Professor at “George Emil Palade” University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology of Targu Mures, Romania.

With the present manifesto, I would like to candidate as a member of the CS-DC Executive Committee. I am the representative of “George Emil Palade” University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology of Targu Mures from Romania in CS-DC.

Some of my research and academic activities are related to the complex systems, including: publications, organization of conferences (e.g. Symposium on Understanding Intelligent and Complex Systems - UICS 2009; 1st Int. Conf. on Complexity and Intelligence of the Artificial and Natural Complex Systems Medical Applications of the Complex Systems. Biomedical Computing -CANS 2008; 1st Int. Conf. on Bio-Inspired Computational Methods Used for Difficult Problems Solving. Development of Intelligent and Complex Systems - BICS 2008), contribution to conference committees (e.g. Int. Conf. Emergent Proprieties in Natural and Artificial Complex Systems - EPNACS 2007; Workshop on Complex Systems and Self-organization Modeling -CoSSoM 2009), preparing journal special issues (e.g. Special Issue on Complexity in Sciences and Artificial Intelligence; Special Issue on Understanding Complex Systems), participating in journal’s editorial board (e.g. Complex Adaptive Systems Modeling -CASM, SpringerOpen), and contribution to research in projects and projects coordination (Social network of machines- SOON; Hybrid Medical Complex Systems -ComplexMediSys). I was the director of the center Advanced Computational Technologies – AdvCompTech in the frame of my university. At present, I am the director of the Center for Advanced Research in Information Technology from my university.

I would like much deeper involve myself in the life and activities of the CS-DC community.

My objectives:

  • To involve junior and senior researchers from my university in activities regarding research and education. To motivate universities and research institutes from my country to contribute to CS-DC. I consider also universities and research institutes with that I have collaboration in the past.
  • To PROPOSE the formation of a so-called doctoral and postdoctoral students group. In the case of doctoral and postdoctoral students probably in time more students would like to be involved in activities. In this framework, I suggest the organization yearly 3 times (from 4 to 4 months) workshops in that all the interested students could discuss, present their research and research in progress. With this occasion in the frame of workshops if there is interest could be established separate sessions with presentations also by B.Sc. and M.Sc. students.
  • To PROPOSE the strengthening of the following research direction with the general topic: intelligent complex systems and machine intelligence measuring. One of the subtopic by interest will be complex systems approaches in medicine and healthcare. To be accomplishable this subject I propose in a first step the formation of a group of interested persons, after then the establishment of the functionality of the group, for example: discussions when are subjects that should be discussed etc.

Elected members to the Executive Committee & as (Deputy-)Presidents

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Jeffrey JOHNSON, Professor of Complexity Science and Design, The Open University, UK

I offer myself as a candidate both to be President and to the Executive Committee of The UNESCO UniTwin Complex Systems Digital Campus (CS-DC) so that I can help to drive it forward to achieve it goals.

I am particularly committed to our educational efforts. I have made four MOOCs on the FutureLearn Platform for CS-DC ( https://www.futurelearn.com/partners/unesco-unitwin-complex-systems-digital-campus ): Global Systems Science (2015-16); Systems Thinking and Complexity (2017-18); First Steps in Data Science with Google Analytics (2018-19) and COVID-19 - Pandemics, Modelling and Policy (2020). CS-DC has a great opportunity to become the global university providing interdisciplinary education for a better world.

I am also committed to our research mission with UNESCO towards the achieving the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals. My own research on representing the dynamics of complex multilevel systems is relevant to many of the research initiatives of CS-DC.

I have extensive experience working within the complex systems community. I have run various coordination actions supporting research programmes funded by the European Commission, I am a founder member and past president of the Complex Systems Society, and I am Deputy-President of the CS-DC. I believe this experience will enable me to make a significant contribution the CS-DC over the next three years.

Paul BOURGINE, present President of the UNESCO UniTwin CS-DC, Complex Systems Institute of Paris

I offer myself as a candidate both to be President and to the Executive Committee of The UNESCO UniTwin Complex Systems Digital Campus (CS-DC).

If elected, my main commitment is to create the conditions for a self-organized development of our UniTwin UNESCO CS-DC as autonomous communities of communities. This self-similar development will be the case both for the two main branches the UniTwin branch of our institutional members and the global eCampus branches of our individual scientific members:

  • for the UniTwin branch, the communities of communities are a territorial cascade with Smart Continents, smart countries, smart cities for their sustainable development according our flagship TIMES (Territorial Intelligence for Multilevel Equity and Sustainability). The roadmap is always the same, i.e. the cascade of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and their 169 Targets: but their relative importance and coherence within this cascade vary from one territory to the others. The institutional members of the UniTwin branch have signed their agreement with the Cooperation Programme signed with UNESCO. In 2021, the CS-DC will ask for a cascade of agreements inside each institutional member, in order to have a "one for all" amplification within the other branch, the e-campus branch.
  • for the eCampus branch, the cascade of communities is along the refinement cascades when studying the theoretical and experimental challenges of complex systems. With Smart Continents'21, scientists are proposing their individual challenges that enact basic communities and communities of communities within the e-departments. In the "all for one" return, the roadmap of each university is the cascade of roadmaps within the eCampus where the University has at least one member. Furthermore each community can organise a monthly e-seminar or e-session in workshop as well as in CS-DC'21 for recorded advanced introductions. Such advanced introductions can be the basis for curriculum largely shared by the set of Universities having members in the community cascade of the curriculum.

This "accelerator of knowledge and knowhow one for all and all for one" will first benefit to the student curriculum through the flagship POEM (Personalized Open Education for the Masses). This accelerator can be extended through the flagship POLE (Personalized Open Lifelong Education) for a lifelong education. This extended accelerator will be open to all, independently of previously achieved academic levels, respectful of the diversity of social and cultural environments and in a higher and higher inclusive way including refugees, migrants and primary people. genders, religions or ways of life.