Population/Reproduction and extinction/Exercise
An animal population consists of babies (first year), freshers (second year), rockers (third year), mature ones (fourth year), and veterans (fifth year), these animals can not become older. The total stock of these animals in a given year is given by a -tuple .
During a year, of the babies become freshers, of the freshers become rockers, of the rockers become mature ones, and of the mature ones reach the fifth year.
Babies and freshers can not reproduce yet, then they reach sexual maturity, and rockers generate new pets, and of the mature ones generate new babies, and the babies are born one year later.
a) Determine the linear map (i.e., the matrix) that expresses the total stock with respect to the stock .
b) What will happen to the stock in the next year?
c) What will happen to the stock in five years?