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Piano/Gymnopédie 1 by Erik Satie

From Wikiversity

This score is played as ABAC, where A is 32 bars long while B and C are each 8 bars.

\language "english" {\new Staff  \with{\magnifyStaff #4/3 }%Need gap before bracket
<<\time 3/4 \key d \major \relative c''{\clef treble\tempo 4=70
| r2.^\markup {A}           | r2.          | r2.            | r2.         |%5A Begin part 1A
r4  fs-3  (a-5 | g-4 fs-3 cs-1 | b-3  cs-4  d-5 | a2.-2       |%9A
fs-1)~         | fs~           | fs~            | fs          |%13A
r4  fs'-3 (a-5 | g-4 fs-3 cs-1 | b-2  cs-3  d-4 | a2.-1       |%17A
cs-2           | fs-5          | e,-1~          | e~          |%21A
e)             | a4-2 (b-1 c-3 | e-5 d-4 b-2    | d-5 c-4 b-3 |%25A
d2.~-5          | d2) d4-1(     | e-2 f-3 g-4          |  a-5 c,-1 d-4     |%29A
e-5 d-4 b-2    | d2.-5~         | d2) d4-2             |%32A *** End part 1A  
}\new Staff \with{\magnifyStaff #4/3 }%Need gap before bracket
<<\time 3/4 \key d \major \relative c'{\clef bass 
r4 <b d fs>2-4-2-1 | r4 <a cs fs>2-4-2-1  | r4 <b d fs>2-4-2-1 | r4 <a cs fs>2-4-2-1  |%5 Begin part 2A
r4 <b d fs>2-4-2-1 | r4 <a cs fs>2-4-2-1  | r4 <b d fs>2-4-2-1 | r4 <a cs fs>2-4-2-1  |%9
r4 <b d fs>2-4-2-1 | r4 <a cs fs>2-4-2-1  | r4 <b d fs>2-4-2-1 | r4 <a cs fs>2-4-2-1  |%13
r4 <b d fs>2-4-2-1 | r4 <a cs fs>2-4-2-1  | r4 <b d fs>2-4-2-1 | r4 <a cs fs>2-4-2-1  |%17
r4 <a cs fs>2-4-2-1 | r4 <b d fs>2-4-2-1  | r4 <g b>2-2-1      | r4 <b-5 d-3 g-1>2    |%21
r4 <f-5 a-3 d-1>2     |   r4 <a-4 c-2 e-1>2   | r4 <g-5 b-3 e-1>2   | r4 <d-5 g-2 b-1 e-1>2 |%25
r4 <c-5 e-3 a-1 d-1>2| r4 <c-5 fs-2 a-1 d-1>2 | r4 <a'-5 c-3 f-1>2         | r4 <a-4 c-2 e-1>2     |%29 
r4 <d,-5 g-2 b-1 e-1>2       |   r4 <c-5 e-3 a-1 d-1>2        | r4 <c-5 fs-2 a-1 d-1>2       |%32 %32A *** End part 2A 
} \new Voice= "first" \relative c {\clef bass\voiceOne 
g2.-2 | d2.-5 | g2.-2 | d2.-5 |%5A ****** Begin part 3A ******
g-2 | d-5 | g-2 | d-5 |%9A
g-2 | d-5 | g-2 | d-5 |%13A
g-2 | d-5 | g-2 | d-5 |%17A
fs-2 | b,-4 | e-1 |e-1 |%21A
d-2 | a-5| d-5 | d-5 |%25A
d-5 |d-5 |d-5 | d-5 |%29A
d-5 | d-5  |   d      |%32A *** End part 3A

B & C

[edit | edit source]
\language "english" {\new Staff  \with{\magnifyStaff #4/3 }%Need gap before bracket
<<\time 3/4 \key d \major \relative c''{\clef treble\tempo 4=70
g'2.^\markup {B}  (               |fs2.                              | b,4 a b         | cs d e            |%36 Begin 1B
 cs d e               |fs,2.                             | <c e a c>        |<d fs a d>  )     |%40 End 1B
}\new Staff \with{\magnifyStaff #4/3 }%Need gap before bracket
<<\time 3/4 \key d \major \relative c'{\clef bass 
r4 <b e g>2-5-2-1     |r4 <a cs fs>2-5-2-1                 |r4 <b d fs>2-1-3-5 |r4 <cs e a>2-4-2-1|
r4 <a cs fs a>2-0-0-0 |r4<b, a' d>4-0-0-0  <e b' d g>4-0-0-0|%r4 <b a d>2-0-0-0 |r4 <a b c>2-0-0-0 |
} \new Voice= "first" \relative c {\clef bass\voiceOne 
e,2.                |fs                                     | b,                | e              |%36 BEGIN 3B
e                   |e                                      | <a g'>             | <d, a' d>       |%40 END 3B

\language "english" {\new Staff  \with{\magnifyStaff #4/3 }%Need gap before bracket
<<\time 3/4 \key d \major \relative c''{\clef treble\tempo 4=70
g'2.^\markup {C}  (          |f2.             | b,4 c f      | e d c       |%36 Begin part 1C
e d c      |f,2.      )    |<c e a c>     |<d f a d>        |%40 End part 1C
}\new Staff \with{\magnifyStaff #4/3 }%Need gap before bracket
<<\time 3/4 \key d \major \relative c'{\clef bass 
} \new Voice= "first" \relative c {\clef bass\voiceOne 
e, |e | e | e  |%36 BEGIN PART 3C
e |e  |   | <a g'>             | <d, a' d>       |%40 END PART 3C
a backup

A back

[edit | edit source]
\language "english" {\new Staff  \with{\magnifyStaff #4/3 }%Need gap before bracket
<<\time 3/4 \key d \major \relative c''{\clef treble\tempo 4=70
| r2.^\markup {A}           | r2.          | r2.            | r2.         |%5A Begin part 1A
r4  fs-3  (a-5 | g-4 fs-3 cs-1 | b-3  cs-4  d-5 | a2.-2       |%9A
fs-1)~         | fs~           | fs~            | fs          |%13A
r4  fs'-3 (a-5 | g-4 fs-3 cs-1 | b-2  cs-3  d-4 | a2.-1       |%17A
cs-2           | fs-5          | e,-1~          | e~          |%21A
e)             | a4-2 (b-1 c-3 | e-5 d-4 b-2    | d-5 c-4 b-3 |%25A
d2.~-5          | d2) d4-1(     | e f g          |  a c,-1 d     |%29A
e d b         | d2.~           | d2) d4-2        |%32A *** End part 1A  
}\new Staff \with{\magnifyStaff #4/3 }%Need gap before bracket
<<\time 3/4 \key d \major \relative c'{\clef bass 
r4 <b d fs>2-4-2-1 | r4 <a cs fs>2-4-2-1  | r4 <b d fs>2-4-2-1 | r4 <a cs fs>2-4-2-1  |%5 Begin part 2A
r4 <b d fs>2-4-2-1 | r4 <a cs fs>2-4-2-1  | r4 <b d fs>2-4-2-1 | r4 <a cs fs>2-4-2-1  |%9
r4 <b d fs>2-4-2-1 | r4 <a cs fs>2-4-2-1  | r4 <b d fs>2-4-2-1 | r4 <a cs fs>2-4-2-1  |%13
r4 <b d fs>2-4-2-1 | r4 <a cs fs>2-4-2-1  | r4 <b d fs>2-4-2-1 | r4 <a cs fs>2-4-2-1  |%17
r4 <a cs fs>2-4-2-1 | r4 <b d fs>2-4-2-1  | r4 <g b>2-2-1      | r4 <b-5 d-3 g-1>2    |%21
r4 <f-5 a-3 d-1>2     |   r4 <a-5 c-3 e-1>2   | r4 <g-5 b-3 e-1>2   | r4 <d-5 g-2 b-1 e-1>2 |%25
r4 <c-1 e-3 a-5 d-1>2| r4 <c-1 fs-2 a-4 d-1>2 | r4 <a' c f>2         | r4 <a c e>2     |%29 
r4 <d, g b e>2       |   r4 <c e a d>2        | r4 <c fs a d>2       |%32 %32A *** End part 2A 
} \new Voice= "first" \relative c {\clef bass\voiceOne 
g2.-2 | d2.-5 | g2.-2 | d2.-5 |%5A ****** Begin part 3A ******
g-2 | d-5 | g-2 | d-5 |%9A
g-2 | d-5 | g-2 | d-5 |%13A
g-2 | d-5 | g-2 | d-5 |%17A
fs-2 | b,-4 | e-1 |e-1 |%21A
d-2 | a-5| d-2 | d-2 |%25A
d-2 |d-2 |d-2 | d-2 |%29A
d-2 | d-2  |   d      |%32A *** End part 3A

B & C

[edit | edit source]
\language "english" {\new Staff  \with{\magnifyStaff #4/3 }%Need gap before bracket
<<\time 3/4 \key d \major \relative c''{\clef treble\tempo 4=70
g'2.^\markup {B}  (               |fs2.                              | b,4 a b         | cs d e            |%36 Begin 1B
 cs d e               |fs,2.                             | <c e a c>        |<d fs a d>  )     |%40 End 1B
}\new Staff \with{\magnifyStaff #4/3 }%Need gap before bracket
<<\time 3/4 \key d \major \relative c'{\clef bass 
r4 <b e g>2-5-2-1     |r4 <a cs fs>2-5-2-1                 |r4 <b d fs>2-1-3-5 |r4 <cs e a>2-4-2-1|
r4 <a cs fs a>2-0-0-0 |r4<b, a' d>4-0-0-0  <e b' d g>4-0-0-0|%r4 <b a d>2-0-0-0 |r4 <a b c>2-0-0-0 |
} \new Voice= "first" \relative c {\clef bass\voiceOne 
e,2.                |fs                                     | b,                | e              |%36 BEGIN 3B
e                   |e                                      | <a g'>             | <d, a' d>       |%40 END 3B

\language "english" {\new Staff  \with{\magnifyStaff #4/3 }%Need gap before bracket
<<\time 3/4 \key d \major \relative c''{\clef treble\tempo 4=70
g'2.^\markup {C}  (          |f2.             | b,4 c f      | e d c       |%36 Begin part 1C
e d c      |f,2.      )    |<c e a c>     |<d f a d>        |%40 End part 1C
}\new Staff \with{\magnifyStaff #4/3 }%Need gap before bracket
<<\time 3/4 \key d \major \relative c'{\clef bass 
} \new Voice= "first" \relative c {\clef bass\voiceOne 
e, |e | e | e  |%36 BEGIN PART 3C
e |e  |   | <a g'>             | <d, a' d>       |%40 END PART 3C


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Just the chords, each one presented only one time, in order of initial appearance.

I am unable to increase the size of the staff.

A chords

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\language "english" <<
\time 3/4 \key d \major \relative c'
\clef bass\tempo 4=70
r4 <b d fs>2-4-2-1 | 
r4 <a cs fs>2-4-2-1  | 
r4 <g b>2-2-1        | 
r4 <b-5 d-3 g-1>2    |
r4 <f-5 a-3 d-1>2    |   
r4 <a-4 c-2 e-1>2    | 
r4 <g-5 b-3 e-1>2    | 
r4 <d-5 g-2 b-1 e-1>2 | 
r4 <c-5 e-3 a-1 d-1>2 | 
r4 <c-5 fs-2 a-1 d-1>2 | 
r4 <a'-5 c-3 f-1>2     | 
r4 <c-5 e-3 a-1 d-1>2  | 
r4 <c-5 fs-2 a-1 d-1>2 |%End part A 

The backup file permits me to experiment with ways to increase the size of the staff.

\language "english" <<
\time 3/4 \key d \major \relative c'
\clef bass\tempo 4=70
r4 <b d fs>2-4-2-1 | 
r4 <a cs fs>2-4-2-1  | 
r4 <g b>2-2-1        | 
r4 <b-5 d-3 g-1>2    |
r4 <f-5 a-3 d-1>2    |   
r4 <a-4 c-2 e-1>2    | 
r4 <g-5 b-3 e-1>2    | 
r4 <d-5 g-2 b-1 e-1>2 | 
r4 <c-5 e-3 a-1 d-1>2 | 
r4 <c-5 fs-2 a-1 d-1>2 | 
r4 <a'-5 c-3 f-1>2     | 
r4 <c-5 e-3 a-1 d-1>2  | 
r4 <c-5 fs-2 a-1 d-1>2 |%End part A 