Personal Training

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It is extremely important for people to take the time to engage in personal training. Many come up with excuses about how tired they are after work or how little time they have to train themselves but they only end up letting themselves get in their own way. While it is true that people may not have a whole lot of free time to assign for physical exercise, there are many quick activities that can be done throughout the day which can help them achieve better health. Simple changes in lifestyle can go a long way over time. The hardest part of any kind of training will always be the beginning. Here are a few things people can start doing everyday to help them slowly improve themselves.

1. When getting up in the morning, STRETCH. After having shut down for several hours, the human body LITERALLY cools off. A few simple stretches can start warming the body back up for use. Only you know how to stretch your body because only you know how your body responds to your movements. Explore your body's limits and make sure you stretch yourself to thiese limits in order to expand them. Don't forget your toes.

2. Follow the stretching with a bit of EXERCISE. It doesn't have to be anything too dynamic; a quick set of push-ups, squats and sit ups should do the trick. This sounds a lot worse than it is. People might think, "Well its already a whole routine!" but really, it can be done in as little as 2 minutes. When starting off you can do as little as 2 of each, heck some people probably can't even do one. If this is your case, simply getting into the plank position for 10 seconds should be your goal. Over the course of time it will become slightly easier. As it gets easier, it is your job to expand your goals in order to keep improving. The important part is to make sure you try to reach your goal everyday. Simply attempting something multiple times lets your body know that it should start building itself to improve efficiency.