Progress and Prospects in Parkinson's Research/Symptoms/Clonus

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Vibrato-like reaction to forced muscle stretching.

The following references are relevant:-

Hofmann (1962) Observations on peripheral servo mechanisms in Parkinsonian rigidity [1]

Burke et al (1972) Tonic vibration reflex in spasticity, Parkinson's disease, and normal subjects [2]

Findley et al (1981)

 Tremor, the cogwheel phenomenon and clonus in Parkinson's disease [3]

Further Research

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  1. Hofmann, William Ward .J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiatry. 25 (3) 203 – 207. (1962) Full Text Observations on peripheral servo mechanisms in Parkinsonian rigidity
  2. Burke, David; Andrews,Colin J. and James W.(1972)Full TextTonic vibration reflex in spasticity, Parkinson's disease, and normal subjects
  3. Findley, L.J.; Grety, M.A. and Halmagy, G.M.(1981)Full TextTremor, the cogwheel phenomenon and clonus in Parkinson's disease