Panspermia/a critique of Panspermia—true or false?

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(Review Paper) Cited in Panspermia/a critique of Panspermia—true or false?

Points Made

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For the theory of Panspermia to be true the organisms must first leap from their hosting planets onto a carrier with a similar environment as the planet of origin. Then the cells must reach the earth before the harmful cosmic rays can kill them. Then survive entering the Earth's atmosphere and the impact of landing. No host that is capable of fitting the above requirements is in existence, therefore Panspermia cannot be possible. [1]


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Nasa has been collecting matter from within our own atmosphere as well as large amounts of terrestrial dust.[1].


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With the dust that NASA found, it was concluded that the particles from the dust in our atmosphere originated on Earth. This proves that Panspermia is invalid [1].


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  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Bhargava, Pushpa M (08/2003) Panspermia—true or false? The Lancet (British edition) (0140-6736), 362 (9381), 407