Panspermia/A Critique ofWhy Do Some People Reject Panspermia?

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(Review Paper) Cited in Panspermia/A Critique ofWhy Do Some People Reject Panspermia?

Go Panspermia!

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Panspermia or abiogenesis? Did life migrate here through space or begin on Earth[1]?


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Experiments have been conducted involving microbial content being sent into space on rocks and on the exterior of rockets which survived launch and landing. Something to remember is that rocks and metals conduct heat to a different extent. Too much heat may be harmful to this life however; microbes are able to survive extreme conditions. Microbes have also been put to the test with exposure to space, survival under impact shock, and survival of high speed impacts. These laboratory experiments showed that microbes could be grown from blown off pieces of rock after high speed impact events[1].


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Panspermia and abiogenesis are both difficult to prove. If life started from abiogenesis there still remains limited proof as to where, in space or on earth, non-life turned into life[1].


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  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Burchell, M.J. (2010). Why Do Some People Reject Panspermia?. Journal of Cosmology 5, 828-832 retrieved from on January 25, 2011