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This page is part of the PCP HIV AIDS Toolkit.

Implementing HIV/AIDS Projects as a CRM Volunteer

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Gathering Information

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Look for a viable counterpart in your community this could come in the form of a host family member, friend, community member, local NGO that has HIV/AIDS outreach, your LGU could also help point you in the right direction such as the Municipality’s AIDS Council or the Rural Health Unit. Also, the SK (Sangguaing Kabataan) is ready and willing to work on project and they usually have a huge budget to work with.

Be Prepared

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Ask around. You may get several “no’s” or “we have” don’t let this stop you! Team up with the activities and existing organizations that are already going on. They will see your enthusiasm and request you for future activities and projects. Attend HIV/AIDS projects with other volunteers, this will give you ideas about how to make entry into your community and it can give you ideas for training modules and training styles.

Project Ideas

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With the SK, you can plan a teen issues seminar. Many SK want to hold “Youth forums” and “Youth Summits” but need guidance in planning the activities and are looking for ideas/issues to discuss. Some topics to include: HIV/AIDS and other STIs, Human Trafficking, Drug and Alcohol Abuse, or Leadership and Self Esteem Building. With the local AIDS Council, you can assist them in planning and organizing activities for World AIDS Day (Dec 1), or AIDS Candlelight Memorial Day (Sunday in May).