P-adic numbers

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Decadic numbers

Number bases

Prime numbers

The Problem with Decadic Numbers

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Decadic numbers have an issue in which there's a number which can be infinitely divided by 5. The problem with that is that you can't divide numbers divisible by 2 or 5 (the factors of 10) normally, and you have to eliminate the factors first. Such a number can't have all of its factors of 5 eliminated, so let's just remove the problem!

The Solution

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Let's replace the number base with a prime number. This way, its only prime factor is the base itself. In order for a number to be infinitely divisible by its base, it would need to have an infinite number of trailing zeros, which would just make it 0, which already can't be divided by in the first place.

Interesting Properties

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5-adic numbers have a square root of -1.

5-adic representation (number)^2 (5-adic representation)
2 4
112 144
1014212 100444
2213013121212 2024444
11232431203131212 2040344444
302104021134042203431212 413221444444
322331343011143322442212431212 13244124444444