Operating system/File Systems

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This is a lesson in in the course, Operating system, which is a part of The School of Computer Science


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File Systems

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I/O Basics

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File System History

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Basics and Terminology

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"File Header to Block" Abstraction

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"File Name to File Header" Abstraction

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Caching, as a concept, simply refers to the usage of a faster (albeit usually smaller) storage medium to store copied data from a slower medium to allow faster access to data. The trade-off is a decreased reliability of data, although this disadvantage is eliminated when a good caching algorithm is implemented.

Although a hardware cache exists within and parallel to the processor in a computer system, in theory, any storage medium can serve as a cache for a slower storage medium. The hardware cache itself is slower than general purpose registers but faster than main memory. Thus, it serves as a cache for main memory. In cases when larger amounts of data from secondary storage needs to be cached, the main memory can be used.

A new type of caching came into play with the advent of the world wide web. A server PC (e.g. web server, FTP server) could now act as a "virtual" storage medium. In this case, a secondary storage medium, presumably providing faster access compared to TCP/IP, could now serve a cache for data acquired through a network (e.g. HTML and images in the case of a web server).

Consistency and coherency is an important consideration in the design of a cache system. The principle is to maintain consistent data across the storage hierarchy (from registers to network servers) in order to avoid erratic computations. This is a problem commonly noted, although not having a significant effect, in the case of web browsers. Oftentimes, you will need to refresh the page or clear the cache in order to see the most recent images on screen.


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Transactions and Journaling Filesystems

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Disk Scheduling

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File Structure, Disk Scheduling

File: a named collection of bytes stored on disk. From the OS’ standpoint, the file consists of a bunch of blocks stored on the device. Programmer may actually see a different interface (e.g., records), but this doesn’t matter to the file system (just pack bytes into disk blocks, unpack them again on reading). Common addressing patterns: • Sequential: information is processed in order, one piece after the other. This is a common mode: e.g. editor writes out new file, compiler compiles it, etc. • Random Access: can address any block in the file directly without passing through its predecessors. E.g. the data set for demand paging, databases. • Content based: search for blocks with particular values, e.g. hash table, associative database, dictionary. Not provided by all operating system.

Distributed File Systems

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Distributed Systems Basics

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RPC: Remote Procedure Call

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Andrew FS

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Bayou FS

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Coda FS

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2-Phase Commit

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