Open Science/Week 14: Synthesis

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Learning Outcomes

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  • List expected positive outcomes of open science.
  • List potential barriers to open science.
  • Describe arguments against open science.
  • Integrate multiple perspectives on the future of open science.


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Defining Success in Open Science” by Ali-Khan, S. E., Jean, A., MacDonald, E., & Gold, E. R. in MNI Open Research, 2, 2018, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International.[1] 10 pages.

Open Science and Its Enemies: Challenges for a Sustainable Science–Society Social Contract” by Krishna, V. V. in Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 6(3), 61, 2020, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International.[2] 15 pages.

The Future(s) of Open Science” by Mirowski, P. in Social Studies of Science, 48(2), 2018, Open Access via Sage.[3] 32 pages.

Discussion Question

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Which of the following statements best matches your belief about the future of open science?

  • Open science is likely to lead to positive outcomes.
  • Open science would create positive outcomes, but it faces strong barriers to adoption.
  • Open science is likely to lead to negative outcomes.

Support your answer with examples. You may address the question broadly or within your specific context. Conclude your response with a question for further discussion.

Instructor note: The reading "Defining Success in Open Science" also provides an opportunity to discuss open peer review.

Self-check Questions

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1 Which of the following outcomes of open science are discussed in the article “Defining Success in Open Science”? Mark all that apply.

science as a human right
positive economic impact
increased equity in research
better opportunities and recognition of early career researchers and youth

2 In the article “Defining Success in Open Science” by Ali-Khan and colleagues, what do the participants in the Leadership Forum believe is necessary to achieve implementation of open science?

a paradigm shift in scientific research culture
policy guidance from international institutions such as UNESCO
clear national policies in support of open science
technological advances

3 In “Open Science and Its Enemies,” Krishna is concerned that which of the following will block the advance of open science? Choose the best answer.

market-based factors such as corporate ownership of intellectual property
dehumanizing effects of global technology mega-corporations
restriction of the free flow of information due to increasingly authoritarian, nationalist governments
all of the above.

4 In the conclusion to “Open Science and Its Enemies," Krishna emphasizes the importance of which of the following factors for the success of open science?

global scientific institutions
technological advancements
free markets
intellectual property rights

5 In “The Future(s) of Open Science,” Mirowski is primarily concerned about which of the following phenomena?

declining democracy
global climate change
platform capitalism.
human capital development

  1. Ali-Khan, Sarah E.; Jean, Antoine; MacDonald, Emily; Gold, E. Richard (2018-03-20). "Defining Success in Open Science". MNI Open Research 2: 2. doi:10.12688/mniopenres.12780.2. ISSN 2515-5059. 
  2. Krishna, Venni V. (2020-09). "Open Science and Its Enemies: Challenges for a Sustainable Science–Society Social Contract". Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity 6 (3): 61. doi:10.3390/joitmc6030061. 
  3. Mirowski, Philip (2018-04-01). "The future(s) of open science". Social Studies of Science 48 (2): 171–203. doi:10.1177/0306312718772086. ISSN 0306-3127.