Open Conference on Open Education/Planning

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During Open Education Week (11-15 March 2013), La Trobe University hosted the Open Education Conference. Following on from the Radical Learning Project and CTLC Colloquium panel discussion of OERs in 2012, the Open Education Conference is a clear indication that there is already active participation Open Education and a need for La Trobe University to address OE in policy.


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To understand existing OER practice in the University, To promote discussion of OER, and produce a list of recommendations for La Trobe University.

Planning Group

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The La Trobe Open Education Week planning group consisted of cross faculty, library and CTLC representation. Planning Group comprised of

  • Leigh Blackall (Health Sciences)
  • Ruth Jelley (FBEL)
  • Annabel Orchid (FBEL)
  • Simon Huggard (Library)
  • Roderick Saddler (Library)
  • John Hannon (CTLC)
  • Emma Yench (FSTE)
  • Donna Bisset (HUSS)
  • Mungo Jones (HUSS)

Meetings and information management

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The planning group held bi-weekly meetings in February and March supported by a Wiki maintained throughout the planning stage to ensure open and collaborative panning and communication among the planning group.

Targeted Audience

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  • La Trobe teaching staff
  • La Trobe Faculty educational designers
  • CTLC
  • La Trobe librarians
  • other librarians
  • other teaching staff
  • Melbourne Free University
  • Wikipedia and Wikimedia Australia


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  • UniNews
  • Planning Group Networks
  • Conference Poster

March 12th 2013


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  • LIMS 205
  • HUED108

Sychronous communications and event records

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  • Video and Audio streaming on the day provided through Google Hangouts
  • Meeting Words
  • Twitter hash tag #openltu


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A loose agenda was developed based on suggestions throughout the meetings, with the final agenda set on the day.

  • Introductions and agenda
  • Who's doing what
  • Critical ideas
  • Lunch and open networking
  • Examples of assessment
  • Producing OERs
  • Practical steps
  • Recommendations