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Astronomy midterm Test 2 Study Guide

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Astronomy midterm Test 2 Study Guide-v1s1

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1. At noon a waning gibbous moon would be}

___ a) nadir
___ b) high in western sky
___ c) overhead
___ d) western horizon
___ e) below the western horizon

2. At 9am a waxing crescent moon would be}

___ a) eastern horizon
___ b) high in eastern sky
___ c) below the western horizon
___ d) overhead
___ e) nadir

3. At 6pm a waxing crescent moon would be}

___ a) eastern horizon
___ b) overhead
___ c) western horizon
___ d) high in western sky
___ e) nadir

4. At 9pm a full moon would be}

___ a) below the western horizon
___ b) eastern horizon
___ c) overhead
___ d) high in eastern sky
___ e) nadir

5. At midnight a waning gibbous moon would be}

___ a) below the western horizon
___ b) high in western sky
___ c) eastern horizon
___ d) western horizon
___ e) high in eastern sky

6. At 9pm a third quarter moon would be}

___ a) high in eastern sky
___ b) below the western horizon
___ c) high in western sky
___ d) below the eastern horizon
___ e) nadir

7. At 9am a new moon would be}

___ a) below the western horizon
___ b) high in western sky
___ c) eastern horizon
___ d) high in eastern sky
___ e) overhead

8. At 6pm a waning crescent moon would be}

___ a) below the eastern horizon
___ b) western horizon
___ c) eastern horizon
___ d) nadir
___ e) below the western horizon

9. At 3pm a full moon would be}

___ a) high in eastern sky
___ b) below the western horizon
___ c) western horizon
___ d) nadir
___ e) below the eastern horizon

10. At 6pm a waxing gibbous moon would be}

___ a) eastern horizon
___ b) high in eastern sky
___ c) below the western horizon
___ d) nadir
___ e) western horizon

11. ____ motion is in the usual direction, and _______ is motion that has temporarily reversed itself.

___ a) elliptical; retrograde
___ b) direct; retrograde
___ c) indirect; direct
___ d) direct; elliptical
___ e) retrograde; direct

12. Under what conditions would a planet not seem to rise in the east and set in the west?

___ a) if the observer is below the equator
___ b) if the observer is near the north or south poles
___ c) if the planet is in retrograde motion
___ d) if the planet is in elliptical motion
___ e) if the planet is in direct motion

13. When the faster moving Earth overtakes a slower planet outside Earth's orbit

___ a) all of these are true
___ b) tidal forces can be observed on the planet
___ c) retrograde motion occurs
___ d) tidal forces can be observed on Earth
___ e) two of these are true

14. Which planet spends more days in a given retrograde?

___ a) Mars
___ b) Saturn
___ c) Earth
___ d) They are all equal
___ e) It depends on the season

15. Which planet has more days between two consecutive retrogrades?

___ a) Mars
___ b) It depends on the season
___ c) Earth
___ d) Saturn
___ e) They are all equal

16. A planet that is very, very far from the Sun would be in retrograde for approximately ___ months.

___ a) 24
___ b) 6
___ c) 12
___ d) 1
___ e) 3

17. If a planet that is very, very far from the Sun begins a retrograde, how many months must pass before it begins the next retrograde?

___ a) 3
___ b) 6
___ c) 1
___ d) 24
___ e) 12

18. Planet comes from the Greek word for 'wanderer'.

___ a) true
___ b) false

19. We know that Galileo saw Neptune, but is not credited with its discovery because

___ a) he never published his drawing
___ b) he thought it was a moon of Saturn
___ c) none of these are true
___ d) it was in a transition between retrograde and direct motion
___ e) it was too faint to be worth drawing

20. Kepler began his career as a teacher of

___ a) philosophy
___ b) history
___ c) astronomy
___ d) mathematics
___ e) theology

21. Kepler is also known for his improvements to

___ a) Ptolemy's star charts
___ b) the telescope
___ c) a perpetual motion machine
___ d) translations of the Bible
___ e) the abacus

22. In Kepler's era, astronomy was usually considered a part of natural philosophy

___ a) true
___ b) false

23. In Kepler's era, astronomy was usually considered a part of mathematics

___ a) true
___ b) false

24. In Kepler's era, astronomy closely linked to astrology

___ a) true
___ b) false

25. In Kepler's era, physics (how and why things moved) was usually considered a part of natural philosophy

___ a) true
___ b) false

26. Kepler incorporated religious arguments and reasoning into his work

___ a) true
___ b) false

27. Kepler avoided religious arguments and reasoning in his work

___ a) true
___ b) false

28. How would one describe the status of Kepler's family when he was a child?

___ a) neither wealthy nor of noble birth
___ b) his father and grandfather were scientists
___ c) wealth and of noble birth
___ d) of noble birth, but in poverty
___ e) wealthy but not of noble birth

29. As a child, Kepler's interest in astronomy grew as a result of

___ a) a lunar eclipse
___ b) a comet
___ c) a solar eclipse
___ d) two of these
___ e) watching his uncle make a telescope

30. When Kepler's studies at the university were over, what he really wanted to do was

___ a) work with Newton
___ b) become a minister
___ c) visit Rome
___ d) visit Athens
___ e) work with Tycho

31. Which of the following is NOT associated with Kepler's Laws

___ a) planets farther from the Sun have longer orbital periods.
___ b) planets speed up as they approach the sun
___ c) elliptical paths for the planets
___ d) circular motions with epicycles
___ e) Earth orbits the sun

32. As a planet orbits the Sun, the Sun is situated at one focal point of the ellipse

___ a) true
___ b) false

33. As a planet orbits the Sun, the Sun is situated midway between the two focal points of the ellipse

___ a) true
___ b) false

34. Newton was able to use the motion of the Moon to calculate the universal constant of gravity, G

___ a) true
___ b) false

35. The force of (gravitational) attraction between you and a friend is small because neither of you possess significant mass

___ a) true
___ b) false

36. Cavendish finally measured G by carefully weighing the force between

___ a) Sun and Moon
___ b) two lead balls
___ c) Jupiter and moons
___ d) Earth and Sun
___ e) Earth and Moon

horizontal crack
The horizontal crack along the center of figure is a
___ a) meander
___ b) rille
___ c) scarp
___ d) antipodal
___ e) propodal

38. Antipodal to Caloris Basin is

___ a) a scarp
___ b) a silicon deposits
___ c) a water deposits
___ d) an iron/nickel deposit
___ e) weird terrain

39. A volatile is a substance that

___ a) reacts violently with acids
___ b) reacts violently with water
___ c) melts or evaporates at low temperature
___ d) melts or evaporates at high temperature
___ e) reacts violently with oxygen

40. The four smaller inner planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars, also called the terrestrial planets, are primarily composed of ___ and ___.

___ a) carbon and oxygen
___ b) ice and gas
___ c) ice and rock
___ d) ice and water
___ e) metal and rock

41. If the universe is mostly hydrogen, why aren't terrestrial planets made of mostly hydrogen?

___ a) These planets lie inside the frost line for hydrogen
___ b) tidal forces from the Sun prevented accretion
___ c) tidal forces between the terrestrial planets prevented accretion
___ d) tidal forces from Jupiter prevented accretion
___ e) thermonuclear fusion in the protosun turned the hydrogen into helium

42. Mercury's atmosphere consists mostly of

___ a) oxygen
___ b) carbon dioxide
___ c) helium
___ d) hydrogen
___ e) nitrogen

43. In what sequence did Mercury's weird terrain and Caloris basin form?

___ a) The were formed at exactly the same time
___ b) The weird terrain was formed approximately 2 billions years before the Caloris basin
___ c) The weird terrain was formed almost immediately after the Caloris basin
___ d) The weird terrain was formed approximately 2 billions years after the Caloris basin
___ e) The weird terrain was formed a few millions years after the Caloris basin

44. Very far from the sun, the heliosphere

___ a) reverses direction
___ b) never ends
___ c) becomes the magnetosphere
___ d) becomes weaker than the interstellar wind
___ e) spins in the opposite direction

45. A volatile is a substance that

___ a) reacts violently with oxygen
___ b) melts or evaporates at low temperature
___ c) reacts violently with water
___ d) reacts violently with acids
___ e) melts or evaporates at high temperature

46. All planets lie within a nearly flat disc called the __________ plane

___ a) interstellar
___ b) retrograde
___ c) fissile
___ d) ecliptic
___ e) angular

47. The AU is

___ a) the most distant Kuiper object from the Sun
___ b) the distance from the Sun to Earth
___ c) a measure of the brightness of a planet
___ d) the distance from Earth to the Moon
___ e) the size of Oort's cloud

48. The Sun and Earth are about

___ a) 50 billion years old
___ b) 500 million years old
___ c) 5 million years old
___ d) 5 billion years old
___ e) 50 million years old

49. The universe is about

___ a) 15 million years old
___ b) 15 billion years old
___ c) 150 million years old
___ d) 1.5 billion years old
___ e) 150 billion years old

50. Roughly how much bigger is a gas planet than a terrestrial planet?

___ a) 100
___ b) 10
___ c) 3
___ d) 30
___ e) 300

51. Roughly how much bigger is a the Sun than a gas planet?

___ a) 10
___ b) 3
___ c) 100
___ d) 300
___ e) 30

52. According to Wikipedia, if all the mass of the asteroid belt were combined to one object, it's mass would _______ times less than Earth's mass.

___ a) 10,000
___ b) 1
___ c) 10
___ d) 100
___ e) 1,000

planetary disk
In this hypothetical image of a sun-like star we see a bright band of dust that we on Earth call zodiacal light. It is due to sunlight reflecting off dust in the
___ a) Oort Cloude
___ b) magnetic sun's magnetic field
___ c) ecliptic plane
___ d) Kuiper belt
___ e) Van Allen belt

54. In planetary science, the frost line refers to a distance away from

___ a) the south pole of a planet
___ b) either pole of a planet
___ c) ecliptic plane
___ d) the north pole of a planet
___ e) the star in the middle

55. Oort's cloud was hypothesized to explain the source of

___ a) comets
___ b) water inside the frost line
___ c) asteroids
___ d) planets
___ e) water outside the frost line

56. According to Wikipedia _______ and ______ are referred to as volatiles.

___ a) ices and gasses
___ b) acids and bases
___ c) planets and moons
___ d) asteroids and terrestrial planets
___ e) electrons and protons

57. Which of the following list is properly ranked, starting with objects closest to the Sun?

___ a) Asteroid belt, Oort's cloud, Kuiper belt
___ b) Kuiper belt, Asteroid belt, Oort's cloud
___ c) Oort's cloud, Asteroid belt, Kuiper belt
___ d) Asteroid belt, Kuiper belt, Oort's cloud
___ e) Kuiper belt, Oort's cloud, Asteroid belt

58. When the sun turns into a red giant,

___ a) surface temperature decreases; energy output decreases
___ b) surface temperature increases; energy output increases
___ c) surface temperature increases; energy output decreases
___ d) surface temperature decreases; energy output increases
___ e) The sun will not turn into a red giant

59. In astrophysics, what is accretion?

___ a) the increase in temperature and pressure of a star as it collapses from its own gravity
___ b) the condensation of volatiles as a gas cools
___ c) the growth of a massive object by gravitationally attracting more matter
___ d) the growth in size of a massive star as its outer atmosphere expands
___ e) the growth of a comet's tail as it comes close to the Sun

60. Dwarf planets are defined as objects orbiting the Sun and smaller than planets, that?

___ a) lie in the asteroid belt
___ b) possess an atmosphere
___ c) lack an atmosphere
___ d) are too far from the Sun to be planets
___ e) have been rounded by their own gravity

61. Dwarf planets have no natural satellites,

___ a) true
___ b) false

62. Pluto is classified as

___ a) a dwarf planet and a trans-Neptunian object.
___ b) an asteroid belt object
___ c) a natural satellite of Uranus
___ d) a natural satellite of Neptune
___ e) a dwarf planet with no natural satellites

63. How many of the outer planets have rings?

___ a) 4
___ b) 1
___ c) 2
___ d) 3

64. Currently there are 7 billion people on Earth, if that ever increases to 10 billion people, for every person on Earth there will be ____ stars in the Milky Way galaxy.

___ a) 2000
___ b) 200
___ c) 20
___ d) 2

65. The revolution of Haley's comet around the Sun is nearly circular.

___ a) true
___ b) false

66. The revolution of Haley's comet around the Sun is opposite that of the 8 planets.

___ a) true
___ b) false

67. The frost line is situated approximately

___ a) 10 times as far from the Sun as the Earth is from the Sun
___ b) 5 times as far from the Earth as the Earth's surface is from its center
___ c) 5 times as far from the Sun as the Earth is from the Sun
___ d) 10 times as far from the Earth as the Earth's surface is from its center

Key to Astronomy midterm Test 2 Study Guide-v1s1

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1. At noon a waning gibbous moon would be}

- a) nadir
- b) high in western sky
- c) overhead
- d) western horizon
+ e) below the western horizon

2. At 9am a waxing crescent moon would be}

+ a) eastern horizon
- b) high in eastern sky
- c) below the western horizon
- d) overhead
- e) nadir

3. At 6pm a waxing crescent moon would be}

- a) eastern horizon
- b) overhead
- c) western horizon
+ d) high in western sky
- e) nadir

4. At 9pm a full moon would be}

- a) below the western horizon
- b) eastern horizon
- c) overhead
+ d) high in eastern sky
- e) nadir

5. At midnight a waning gibbous moon would be}

- a) below the western horizon
- b) high in western sky
- c) eastern horizon
- d) western horizon
+ e) high in eastern sky

6. At 9pm a third quarter moon would be}

- a) high in eastern sky
- b) below the western horizon
- c) high in western sky
+ d) below the eastern horizon
- e) nadir

7. At 9am a new moon would be}

- a) below the western horizon
- b) high in western sky
- c) eastern horizon
+ d) high in eastern sky
- e) overhead

8. At 6pm a waning crescent moon would be}

- a) below the eastern horizon
- b) western horizon
- c) eastern horizon
- d) nadir
+ e) below the western horizon

9. At 3pm a full moon would be}

- a) high in eastern sky
- b) below the western horizon
- c) western horizon
- d) nadir
+ e) below the eastern horizon

10. At 6pm a waxing gibbous moon would be}

- a) eastern horizon
+ b) high in eastern sky
- c) below the western horizon
- d) nadir
- e) western horizon

11. ____ motion is in the usual direction, and _______ is motion that has temporarily reversed itself.

- a) elliptical; retrograde
+ b) direct; retrograde
- c) indirect; direct
- d) direct; elliptical
- e) retrograde; direct

12. Under what conditions would a planet not seem to rise in the east and set in the west?

- a) if the observer is below the equator
+ b) if the observer is near the north or south poles
- c) if the planet is in retrograde motion
- d) if the planet is in elliptical motion
- e) if the planet is in direct motion

13. When the faster moving Earth overtakes a slower planet outside Earth's orbit

- a) all of these are true
- b) tidal forces can be observed on the planet
+ c) retrograde motion occurs
- d) tidal forces can be observed on Earth
- e) two of these are true

14. Which planet spends more days in a given retrograde?

- a) Mars
+ b) Saturn
- c) Earth
- d) They are all equal
- e) It depends on the season

15. Which planet has more days between two consecutive retrogrades?

+ a) Mars
- b) It depends on the season
- c) Earth
- d) Saturn
- e) They are all equal

16. A planet that is very, very far from the Sun would be in retrograde for approximately ___ months.

- a) 24
+ b) 6
- c) 12
- d) 1
- e) 3

17. If a planet that is very, very far from the Sun begins a retrograde, how many months must pass before it begins the next retrograde?

- a) 3
- b) 6
- c) 1
- d) 24
+ e) 12

18. Planet comes from the Greek word for 'wanderer'.

+ a) true
- b) false

19. We know that Galileo saw Neptune, but is not credited with its discovery because

- a) he never published his drawing
- b) he thought it was a moon of Saturn
- c) none of these are true
+ d) it was in a transition between retrograde and direct motion
- e) it was too faint to be worth drawing

20. Kepler began his career as a teacher of

- a) philosophy
- b) history
- c) astronomy
+ d) mathematics
- e) theology

21. Kepler is also known for his improvements to

- a) Ptolemy's star charts
+ b) the telescope
- c) a perpetual motion machine
- d) translations of the Bible
- e) the abacus

22. In Kepler's era, astronomy was usually considered a part of natural philosophy

- a) true
+ b) false

23. In Kepler's era, astronomy was usually considered a part of mathematics

+ a) true
- b) false

24. In Kepler's era, astronomy closely linked to astrology

+ a) true
- b) false

25. In Kepler's era, physics (how and why things moved) was usually considered a part of natural philosophy

+ a) true
- b) false

26. Kepler incorporated religious arguments and reasoning into his work

+ a) true
- b) false

27. Kepler avoided religious arguments and reasoning in his work

- a) true
+ b) false

28. How would one describe the status of Kepler's family when he was a child?

- a) neither wealthy nor of noble birth
- b) his father and grandfather were scientists
- c) wealth and of noble birth
+ d) of noble birth, but in poverty
- e) wealthy but not of noble birth

29. As a child, Kepler's interest in astronomy grew as a result of

- a) a lunar eclipse
- b) a comet
- c) a solar eclipse
+ d) two of these
- e) watching his uncle make a telescope

30. When Kepler's studies at the university were over, what he really wanted to do was

- a) work with Newton
+ b) become a minister
- c) visit Rome
- d) visit Athens
- e) work with Tycho

31. Which of the following is NOT associated with Kepler's Laws

- a) planets farther from the Sun have longer orbital periods.
- b) planets speed up as they approach the sun
- c) elliptical paths for the planets
+ d) circular motions with epicycles
- e) Earth orbits the sun

32. As a planet orbits the Sun, the Sun is situated at one focal point of the ellipse

+ a) true
- b) false

33. As a planet orbits the Sun, the Sun is situated midway between the two focal points of the ellipse

- a) true
+ b) false

34. Newton was able to use the motion of the Moon to calculate the universal constant of gravity, G

- a) true
+ b) false

35. The force of (gravitational) attraction between you and a friend is small because neither of you possess significant mass

+ a) true
- b) false

36. Cavendish finally measured G by carefully weighing the force between

- a) Sun and Moon
+ b) two lead balls
- c) Jupiter and moons
- d) Earth and Sun
- e) Earth and Moon

horizontal crack
The horizontal crack along the center of figure is a
- a) meander
- b) rille
+ c) scarp
- d) antipodal
- e) propodal

38. Antipodal to Caloris Basin is

- a) a scarp
- b) a silicon deposits
- c) a water deposits
- d) an iron/nickel deposit
+ e) weird terrain

39. A volatile is a substance that

- a) reacts violently with acids
- b) reacts violently with water
+ c) melts or evaporates at low temperature
- d) melts or evaporates at high temperature
- e) reacts violently with oxygen

40. The four smaller inner planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars, also called the terrestrial planets, are primarily composed of ___ and ___.

- a) carbon and oxygen
- b) ice and gas
- c) ice and rock
- d) ice and water
+ e) metal and rock

41. If the universe is mostly hydrogen, why aren't terrestrial planets made of mostly hydrogen?

- a) These planets lie inside the frost line for hydrogen
- b) tidal forces from the Sun prevented accretion
- c) tidal forces between the terrestrial planets prevented accretion
- d) tidal forces from Jupiter prevented accretion
+ e) thermonuclear fusion in the protosun turned the hydrogen into helium

42. Mercury's atmosphere consists mostly of

- a) oxygen
- b) carbon dioxide
- c) helium
+ d) hydrogen
- e) nitrogen

43. In what sequence did Mercury's weird terrain and Caloris basin form?

- a) The were formed at exactly the same time
- b) The weird terrain was formed approximately 2 billions years before the Caloris basin
+ c) The weird terrain was formed almost immediately after the Caloris basin
- d) The weird terrain was formed approximately 2 billions years after the Caloris basin
- e) The weird terrain was formed a few millions years after the Caloris basin

44. Very far from the sun, the heliosphere

- a) reverses direction
- b) never ends
- c) becomes the magnetosphere
+ d) becomes weaker than the interstellar wind
- e) spins in the opposite direction

45. A volatile is a substance that

- a) reacts violently with oxygen
+ b) melts or evaporates at low temperature
- c) reacts violently with water
- d) reacts violently with acids
- e) melts or evaporates at high temperature

46. All planets lie within a nearly flat disc called the __________ plane

- a) interstellar
- b) retrograde
- c) fissile
+ d) ecliptic
- e) angular

47. The AU is

- a) the most distant Kuiper object from the Sun
+ b) the distance from the Sun to Earth
- c) a measure of the brightness of a planet
- d) the distance from Earth to the Moon
- e) the size of Oort's cloud

48. The Sun and Earth are about

- a) 50 billion years old
- b) 500 million years old
- c) 5 million years old
+ d) 5 billion years old
- e) 50 million years old

49. The universe is about

- a) 15 million years old
+ b) 15 billion years old
- c) 150 million years old
- d) 1.5 billion years old
- e) 150 billion years old

50. Roughly how much bigger is a gas planet than a terrestrial planet?

- a) 100
+ b) 10
- c) 3
- d) 30
- e) 300

51. Roughly how much bigger is a the Sun than a gas planet?

+ a) 10
- b) 3
- c) 100
- d) 300
- e) 30

52. According to Wikipedia, if all the mass of the asteroid belt were combined to one object, it's mass would _______ times less than Earth's mass.

- a) 10,000
- b) 1
- c) 10
- d) 100
+ e) 1,000

planetary disk
In this hypothetical image of a sun-like star we see a bright band of dust that we on Earth call zodiacal light. It is due to sunlight reflecting off dust in the
- a) Oort Cloude
- b) magnetic sun's magnetic field
+ c) ecliptic plane
- d) Kuiper belt
- e) Van Allen belt

54. In planetary science, the frost line refers to a distance away from

- a) the south pole of a planet
- b) either pole of a planet
- c) ecliptic plane
- d) the north pole of a planet
+ e) the star in the middle

55. Oort's cloud was hypothesized to explain the source of

+ a) comets
- b) water inside the frost line
- c) asteroids
- d) planets
- e) water outside the frost line

56. According to Wikipedia _______ and ______ are referred to as volatiles.

+ a) ices and gasses
- b) acids and bases
- c) planets and moons
- d) asteroids and terrestrial planets
- e) electrons and protons

57. Which of the following list is properly ranked, starting with objects closest to the Sun?

- a) Asteroid belt, Oort's cloud, Kuiper belt
- b) Kuiper belt, Asteroid belt, Oort's cloud
- c) Oort's cloud, Asteroid belt, Kuiper belt
+ d) Asteroid belt, Kuiper belt, Oort's cloud
- e) Kuiper belt, Oort's cloud, Asteroid belt

58. When the sun turns into a red giant,

- a) surface temperature decreases; energy output decreases
- b) surface temperature increases; energy output increases
- c) surface temperature increases; energy output decreases
+ d) surface temperature decreases; energy output increases
- e) The sun will not turn into a red giant

59. In astrophysics, what is accretion?

- a) the increase in temperature and pressure of a star as it collapses from its own gravity
- b) the condensation of volatiles as a gas cools
+ c) the growth of a massive object by gravitationally attracting more matter
- d) the growth in size of a massive star as its outer atmosphere expands
- e) the growth of a comet's tail as it comes close to the Sun

60. Dwarf planets are defined as objects orbiting the Sun and smaller than planets, that?

- a) lie in the asteroid belt
- b) possess an atmosphere
- c) lack an atmosphere
- d) are too far from the Sun to be planets
+ e) have been rounded by their own gravity

61. Dwarf planets have no natural satellites,

- a) true
+ b) false

62. Pluto is classified as

+ a) a dwarf planet and a trans-Neptunian object.
- b) an asteroid belt object
- c) a natural satellite of Uranus
- d) a natural satellite of Neptune
- e) a dwarf planet with no natural satellites

63. How many of the outer planets have rings?

+ a) 4
- b) 1
- c) 2
- d) 3

64. Currently there are 7 billion people on Earth, if that ever increases to 10 billion people, for every person on Earth there will be ____ stars in the Milky Way galaxy.

- a) 2000
- b) 200
+ c) 20
- d) 2

65. The revolution of Haley's comet around the Sun is nearly circular.

- a) true
+ b) false

66. The revolution of Haley's comet around the Sun is opposite that of the 8 planets.

+ a) true
- b) false

67. The frost line is situated approximately

- a) 10 times as far from the Sun as the Earth is from the Sun
- b) 5 times as far from the Earth as the Earth's surface is from its center
+ c) 5 times as far from the Sun as the Earth is from the Sun
- d) 10 times as far from the Earth as the Earth's surface is from its center

Attribution (for quiz questions) under CC-by-SA license
Study guide