Occupational Health Research Methodology

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Why this course?

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It is increasingly necessary for academic students and professionals to learn about research methods and evidence-based practice. Both for the planning and writing of their thesis and for using the scientific literature in their professional life. Further, as professionals maybe to contribute your own research. The course provides learning on how to carry out minor cross-sectional studies based on standardised questionnaires. The course is a supplement to the students’ study curriculum. There is a Theoretical- and a Study part, that ends with a manuscript.

The intentions

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The students should learn how to plan a study, to collect and analyse the data, to apply scientific literature for the introduction and the discussion in order to prepare a scientific manuscript with the introduction, methods, results, discussion and the references. The course will provide the students with guidance on how to prepare their thesis according to the international standards required like in a scientific article. In this way, the students will be well prepared to advance with their own ideas for research and for use of scientific knowledge in their professional life.


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Step-by-step the students will learn how to plan and carry out a minor cross-sectional epidemiological study and how to report the results in a scientific manuscript. In this way they will ´acquire basic competences: 1. To be familiar with this type of scientific research and 2. To learn how to search and use scientific literature for evidence-based health practice. Preferably the course is done as group work with 2-5 in each.

Time period

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To be tailored to the students wishes in one or more semesters (e.g. 150-200 hours in a semester)

Acquired competencies:

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  1. Skills to do minor questionnaire research projects
  2. Search scientific literature systematically
  3. Communicate the results of the literature and own studies
  4. Prepare a manuscript in an international scientific style.
  5. Complete their thesis in a scientific, international format

Accessories needed

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Laptop/Tablet and Wi-Fi access

Data for the study

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Databases for exercises are available. Having completed this course the students can write a protocol for an original study, their Thesis e.g.

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