New Zealand Pilot License/Flight Radiotelephony

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Basic Radio Wave Propagation

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Describe the characteristics of High Frequency (HF) and Very High Frequency (VHF) in terms of:

  • Range
  • Surface Interference
  • Clarity of Reception


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Describe the purpose, correct manipulation and adjustment of the controls of commonly used aeronautical transcievers

Describ the correct operation of:

  • the headset/boom microphone combination; and
  • the handheld microphone

SSR Transponders

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Describe the manipulation and adjustment of the controls of commonly used transponders.

Describe the function of the following terms, and explain the procedures to transmit

  • Mode A information; and
  • Mode C information.

State the emergency codes and explain when they should be used.

Demonstrate proficiency in transponder terminolofy and describe the actions and responses expected from a pilot, following ATC transponder instructions.

List the documents that identify transponder mandatory airspace then the aircraft transponder is inoperative.

Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT, aka ELBA or ELB)

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State the frequeny(ies) on which the ELT transmits.

State the requirememnts for the carriage of an ELT

Explain how an ELT can be acticated:

  • automatically in the event of an impact; and
  • manually

Describe the management of the ELT following a forced landing.

Describe the requirements associated with ELT testing.

Explain the procedures to follow in the case of inadvertant ELT activation.

Practices and Rules

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Demonstrate proficiency in transmitting and recieving spoken messages competently and in accordance with prescribed procedures, including

  • language to be used;
  • word spelling;
  • transmission of numberals;
  • procedure words and phrases;
  • time system;
  • establishment of communications;
  • frequencies to be used;
  • identification of service;
  • radiotelephony aircraft callsigns;
  • correction and repetition tests;
  • listening out
  • readibility scale

Demonstrate a good working knowledge of the following Civil Aviation Rules:

  • Part 91.217 (5);
  • Part 91.243;
  • Part 91.245 (b), (c) and (d);
  • Part 91.247
  • Part 91.249 (a) and (b);
  • Part 91.513;
  • Part 91.545;
  • Part 91.529

APINZ Volume 1, describe the radio procedures, requirements, and functions associated with:

  • ATIS
  • ARFU
  • AWIB

AIPNZ demonstrate a good working knowledge of the phraseology used for, and by VFR aircraft.

AIPNZ demonstrate a good working knowledge of the AIPNZ and AC172-1 with regard to:

  • Communication services;
  • communication aspects in the Search and Rescue section

Phraseology and Procedures

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Demonstrate proficiency in standard radiotelephony phraseologies and procedures for:

  • all VFR operations in controlled and uncontrolled airspace;
  • taxi, take-off, approach and landing at controlled aerodromes, Flight Service aerodromes, aerodromes served by UNICOM, and uncontrolled aerodromes; and
  • read-back instructions

State the limitations on pilots with regard to:

  • unauthorised transmissions;
  • secrecy of communications.

Distress and Urgency Communications

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Describe the degrees of emergency that warrant:

  • a distress call (MAYDAY); and
  • an urgency call (PANPAN).

Explain the procedures and phraseology involved in transmitting a MAYDAY and PAN call with emphasis on:

  • radio frequencies
  • station(s) to call;
  • contents of the call;
  • enforcing radio silence.

Describe the actions by stations not involved in the emergency with regard to:

  • radio silence; and
  • provisin of assistance.

Describe the procedure involved in terminating emergency communications.

Loss of Communications - Aircraft Equipment

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Describe the checks that should be followed when becoming aware of an aircraft communication system failure, including a check of:

  • radio power source;
  • function settings (frequency, squelch and similar);
  • microphone or headset.

Detail the actions to be taken when experiencing loss of communications in:

  • controlled airspace;
  • uncontrolled airspace;
  • special use airspace.

Describe corrective actions that could be taken, including:

  • change of frequency or station;
  • transmitting blind;
  • increase in altitude.

Detail the speechless technique using unmodulated transmissions.

State the meaning of light signals used by ATC.

Loss of communications - ATS Equipment Failure

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State the occasions when TIBA (traffic infomation broadcasts by aircraft) might be introduced.

Detail TIBA procedures with respect to:

  • VHF frequencies to be used;
  • listening watch;
  • times of broadcasts.