Music and Songwriting/Bryan Wang/100 things I'm good at list

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Patterns (positive, I guess):


  1. Acoustic guitar
  2. songwriting
  3. singing
  4. playing piano
  5. playing viola
  6. music production
  7. having perfect pitch
  8. remembering song lyrics?

Health and Fitness:

  1. playing basketball
  2. tennis
  3. exercise/fitness training
  4. Natural physical fitness?
  5. fast metabolism
  6. badminton
  7. ping pong?


  1. typing
  2. relating 1-1 to people
  3. essay writer – spelling grammar
  4. bilingual – english mandarin
  5. interview skills – questions
  6. reliable
  7. remembering names?
  8. having deep conversations?
  9. sense of humor?
  10. encouraging?
  11. being open about feelings
  12. considering other perspectives
  13. being considerate
  14. smiling??
  15. reflection
  16. interacting with young-uns?
  17. public speaking
  18. being punctual
  19. listening
  20. being understanding
  21. being "self"?


[edit | edit source]
  1. poetry
  2. cashier
  3. Quick working
  4. highly ethical/scrupulous
  5. reliable
  6. comfortable with animals
  7. driving
  8. solitaire
  9. sudoku
  10. chinese checkers
  11. ruzzle
  12. worrying
  13. wasting time
  14. zoning out
  15. waking up to my alarm
  16. staying in bed
  17. being alone
  18. not losing temper
  19. overthinking!
  20. complaing to jonathan
  21. being sarcastic to jonathan
  22. being confusing
  23. being indecisive
  24. being pessimistic
  25. tolerating pain?
  26. losing focus
  27. bryan pivoting
  28. being unconfident
  29. being a good brother?
  30. taking quick showers
  31. talking fast
  32. being impulsive
  33. sleeping early
  34. sleeping late
  35. being selfish
  36. hygiene?
  37. keeping room somewhat clean
  38. using microsoft word?
  39. annoying pedestrians
  40. abstaining from sex
  41. abstaining from drinking
  42. abstaining from drugs
  43. mumbling
  44. mindless surfing
  45. being irrational
  46. scrabble?
  47. not knowing
  48. organization?
  49. walking posture?
  50. parking?
  51. editing videos?
  52. dressing
  53. taking back jokes
  54. meal routine

NOTE FROM JON - I found this exercise to be somewhat difficult, and I've cheated a bit by googling other similar lists and borrowing ones that fit me. Might save you some tears.