Multicultural Perspectives on Health and Wellbeing/Health promotion for CALD groups

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The Australian Health Promotion Association defines health promotion as “the process of enabling people to increase control over the determinants of health and thereby improve their health”; derived from the WHO Ottawa Charter 1986. The priority action areas of the Ottawa Charter are - build healthy public policy; create supportive environments; strengthen community actions; develop personal skills; reorient health; and moving into the future. The community development approach is often required in efforts to empower communities and strengthen community actions in order for communities to effect change for their health and wellbeing. An illustration of strengthening community actions is the Healthy Communities Initiative, a federally funded campaign on obesity and chronic disease prevention for those predominantly outside the paid workforce. The target groups include newly arrived migrants and culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) groups. Health promotion programmes tailored to specific communities, such as CALD groups, are one of the necessary initiatives to respond to the health disparities among groups from different ethnic backgrounds.


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Sheikh, M., & MacIntyre, C. R. (2009). The impact of intensive health promotion to a targeted refugee population on utilisation of a new refugee paediatric clinic at the children's hospital at Westmead. Ethnicity & Health, 14(4), 393-405. doi: 10.1080/13557850802653780

Chan, B. (2009). Capitalising on the social resources within culturally and linguistically diverse communities for mental health promotion: stories of Australian Chinese people. Australian Journal of Primary Health, 15(1), 29-36. doi:

Komaric, N., Bedford, S., & van Driel, M. (2012). Two sides of the coin: patient and provider perceptions of health care delivery to patients from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. BMC Health Services Research, 12(1), 322.

Caperchione, C., Kolt, G., & Mummery, W. K. (2009). Physical Activity in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Migrant Groups to Western Society. Sports Medicine, 39(3), 167-177. doi: 10.2165/00007256-200939030-00001

McMahon, T., Moreton, R. J., & Luisi, B. N. (2010). Guarding against emerging epidemics: addressing HIV and AIDS among culturally and linguistically diverse communities in NSW. New South Wales Public Health Bulletin, 21(4), 83-85. doi:


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  1. Review of lecture, "Health Promotion for CALD Groups"
  2. Video & discussion (article: ; video:
  3. Readings
  4. Group work

Notes and Recordings

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Copies to the LMS after the event