Motivation and emotion/Admin/Convening

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Here's some tasks that a convener of this unit may undertake:

Week -7+

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  1. Set up Canvas site
  2. Welcome early birds
  3. Conduct unit design preferences survey
  4. Arrange timetabling

Week -3 to -6

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Week -2

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  1. Release draft unit outline for comment
  2. Submit final unit outline for approval

Week -1

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  1. Book lecture recording

Week 0

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  1. Release unit outline

Week 1

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  1. Welcome all students who join Wikiversity on their Wikiversity talk page - update and substitute {{MEW}}.
  2. Place the participant template for the year on participants' user page - e.g., transclude {{MEP2011}}
  3. Tidy up the participants' page as students edit

Week 3

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  1. Allocation to book chapter topics is due