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Mesoscopic Physics/Learning Mesoscopic Physics

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Textbooks on Mesoscopic Physics

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  • S. Datta, "Electronic Transport in Mesoscopic Systems", Cambridge Univ. Press 1995. - very didactic, covering the more elementary topics (but nothing on shot noise, quantum dots etc.)
  • Y. Imry, "Introduction to Mesoscopic Physics", Oxford Univ. Press 1997 (2nd ed: 2002). - quite advanced, from one of the founding fathers of the field (maybe a little too sophisticated for a first course)
  • Dittrich et al., "Quantum transport and dissipation", Wiley-VCH 1998. - contains selection of modern topics, written by respective experts
  • F. Haake, "Quantum Signatures of Chaos", Springer 2006 (2nd edition) - a wealth of material on wave chaos, random matrix theory, and semiclassics; very readable
  • K. Efetov, "Supersymmetry in Disorder and Chaos", Cambridge Univ. Press 1996 - monograph on the technique of supersymmetry that is used to discuss disordered and chaotic systems, from its inventor in this context

Relevant textbooks on physics in general

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  • A. Altland and B. Simons, "Condensed Matter Field Theory", Cambridge Univ. Press 2006 - techniques for treating many interacting particles etc.; well liked by students

Textbooks on Mathematics

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  • S. Helgason, "Differential Geometry, Lie Groups, and Symmetric Spaces", American Math. Society 2001 - advanced


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  • Beenakker and van Houten: "Quantum Transport in Semiconductor Nanostructures", Solid State Physics 44, 1 (1991) - download from cond-mat/0412664 - old, but very pedagogical, and a lot on scattering theory, disordered systems and Quantum Hall Effect

Lecture notes

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