Mathematics for Applied Sciences (Osnabrück 2023-2024)/Part I/Lecture 16/refcontrol

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Derivative of power series

Many important functions, like the exponential function or the trigonometric functions, are represented by a power series. The following theorem shows that these functions are differentiable, and that the derivative of a power series is itself a power series, given by differentiating the individual terms of the series.

TheoremTheorem 16.1 change


denote a power seriesMDLD/power series (R) which convergesMDLD/converges (power series R) on the open intervalMDLD/open interval (R) , and represents there a function . Then the formally differentiated power series

is convergent on . The function is differentiableMDLD/differentiable (R) in every point of the interval, and



The proof requires a detailed study of power series.

In the formulation of the theorem, we have distinguished between for the power series and for the function, defined by the series, in order to stress the roles they play. This distinction is now not necessary anymore.

A function given by a power series is infinitely often differentiable on its interval of convergence.

This follows immediately from Theorem 16.1 .

TheoremTheorem 16.3 change

The exponential functionMDLD/exponential function (R)


differentiableMDLD/differentiable (R) with

Due to Theorem 16.1 , we have

TheoremTheorem 16.4 change

The exponential functionMDLD/exponential function (real base)

with base , is differentiableMDLD/differentiable (R) with

By definition,MDLD/definition we have

The derivativeMDLD/derivative (R) with respect to equals

due to Theorem 16.3 and the chain rule.

For a real exponential functionMDLD/real exponential function

the relation

holds, due to Theorem 16.4 . Hence, there is a proportional relationship between the function and its derivative , and is the factor. This is still true if is multiplied with a constant. If we consider as a function depending on time , then describes the growing behavior at that point of time. The equation means that the instantaneous growing rate is always proportional with the magnitude of the function. Such an increasing behavior (or decreasing behavior, if ) occurs in nature for a population, if there is no competition for resources, and if the dying rate is neglectable (the number of mice is then proportional with the number of mice born). A condition of the form

is an example of a differential equation. This is an equation for a function, which expresses a condition for the derivative. A solution for such a differential equation is a differentiable function which fulfills the condition on its derivative. The differential equation just mentioned are fulfilled by the functions

We will study differential equations in the second semester.

CorollaryCorollary 16.6 change

The derivativeMDLD/derivative (R) of the natural logarithmMDLD/natural logarithm


As the logarithm is the inverse function of the exponential function, we can apply Theorem 14.9 and get

using Theorem 16.3 .

Let . Then the functionMDLD/function

is differentiable,MDLD/differentiable (R) and its derivativeMDLD/derivative (R) is

By definition,MDLD/definition we have

The derivativeMDLD/derivative (R) with respect to equals

using Theorem 16.3 , Corollary 16.6 and the chain rule.

TheoremTheorem 16.8 change

The sine functionMDLD/sine function (R)

is differentiable,MDLD/differentiable (R) with

and the cosine functionMDLD/cosine function (R)

is differentiable, with


The tangent functionMDLD/tangent function (R)

is differentiable,MDLD/differentiable (R) with

and the cotangent functionMDLD/cotangent function (R)

is differentiable, with

Using the quotient rule, Theorem 16.8 , and the circle equation, we get

The derivative of the cotangent function follows in the same way.

The number

The number is the area and half of the circumference of a circle with radius . But, in order to build a precise definition for this number on this, we would have first to establish measure theory or the theory of the length of curves. Also, the trigonometric functions have an intuitive interpretation at the unit circle, but also this requires the concept of the arc length. An alternative approach is to define the functions sine and cosine by their power series, and then to define the number with the help of them, and establishing finally the relation with the circle.

LemmaLemma 16.10 change

The cosine functionMDLD/cosine function (R) has, within the real intervalMDLD/real interval , exactly one zero.MDLD/zero (function)

We consider the cosine seriesMDLD/cosine series (R)

For , we have . For , one can write

Hence, due to the intermediate value theorem, there exists at least one zero in the given interval.
To prove uniqueness, we consider the derivativeMDLD/derivative (R) of cosine, which is

due to Theorem 16.8 . Hence, it is enough to show that sine is positive in the interval , because then cosine is strictly decreasingMDLD/strictly decreasing by Theorem 15.7 in the interval and there is only one zero. Now, for , we have

A rational approximation of the number on a -pie.

Let denote the unique (according to Lemma 16.10 ) realMDLD/real zeroMDLD/zero (function) of the cosine functionMDLD/cosine function (R) in the intervalMDLD/interval (R) . Then the number is defined by

The sine function and the cosine function fulfill in the following periodicity properties.
  1. We have and for all .
  2. We have and for all .
  3. We have and for all .
  4. We have , , , , and .
  5. We have , , , , and .

Due to the circle equation

we have , hence , because of the reasoning in the proof of Lemma 16.10 . From that we deduce, with the help of the addition theorems, the relations between sine and cosine as mentioned in (3), e.g.

Hence it is enough to prove the statements for cosine. All statements follow from the definition of and from (3).

A functionMDLD/function is called periodic with period length , if the equality

holds for all


The trigonometric functions sin and cosine are periodic functions with the period length .

The inverse trigonometric functions

CorollaryCorollary 16.14 change

The real sine functionMDLD/real sine function induces a bijective,MDLD/bijective strictly increasingMDLD/strictly increasing function

and the real cosine functionMDLD/real cosine function induces a bijective, strictly decreasing function


The real tangent functionMDLD/real tangent function induces a bijective,MDLD/bijective strictly increasingMDLD/strictly increasing function

and the real cotangent functionMDLD/real cotangent function induces a bijective strictly decreasing function


Due to the bijectivity of sine, cosine, tangent and cotangent on suitable interval, there exist the following inverse functions.

The inverse functionMDLD/inverse function of the real sine functionMDLD/sine function (R) is

and is called arcsine.

The inverse functionMDLD/inverse function of the real cosine functionMDLD/cosine function (R) is

and is called arccosine.

The inverse functionMDLD/inverse function of the real tangent functionMDLD/tangent function (R) is

and is called arctangent.

The inverse functionMDLD/inverse function of the real cotangent functionMDLD/cotangent function (R) is

and is called arccotangent.

TheoremTheorem 16.20 change

The inverse trigonometric functions have the following


For example, for the arctangent, we have, due to Theorem 14.9 ,

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