Materials Science and Engineering/List of Topics/Quantum Mechanics/One Dimensional Problems

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The Free Particle: Continuous States

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The Potential Step

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The Potential Barrier and Well

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The Case E > Vo

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The Case E < Vo: Tunneling

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The Tunneling Effect

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The Infinite Square Well Potential

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The Unsymmetric Square Well

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The Synmmetric Potential Well

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The Finite Square Well Potential

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The Scattering Solutions (E > Vo)

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The Bound State Solutions (0 < E < Vo)

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The Harmonic Oscillator

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Energy Eigenvalues

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Energy Eigenstates

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Energy Eigenstates in Position Space

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Nouredine Zettili, "Quantum Mechanics: Concepts and Application". John Wiley & Sons, LTD. New York, 2001