Maritime Health Research and Education-NET/Education 3: The SDG17 International Maritime Health Journal Club/English Archives/Example 4 Willingness of students majoring in the navigation to work as seafarers in China

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Example 4

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Willingness of Chines students majoring to work as seafarers in China[1]

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Delivering high-quality students to the navigation industry is very important to international shipping. However, the attraction of shipping industry is decreasing dramatically in recent years.


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To get insight into the willingness of students majoring in the navigation to work as seafarers after graduation in China, an online survey with 1179 questionnaires are conducted from students majoring in navigation in China was conducted from April to June in 2020.


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To attract more students to work as seafarers, it is recommended by respondents that universities need to strengthen career planning, professional identity and to increase internship frequency, while shipping company and the government should raise salary level, improve working environment and help to reduce the tax for seafarers.

UNs Sustainable Development Goals contribution:

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  • Goal 4: Quality Education
  • Goal 5: Gender Equity
  • Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

Is this study sufficient

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Yes and no, it should be replicated in other settings and countries - or if is already done in other countries countries it is reason to believe it is useful valid

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Maritime Schools and researchers go together to implement similar studies to provide better insight into the willingness of students in the navigation to work as seafarers, as well as their attitude and opinion on seafarer's occupation.


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  1. Wang, Tianzhi(a), og Yaqing Shu(b). “Willingness of Students Majoring in the Navigation to Work as Seafarers in China”. Ocean & Coastal Management 211 (1. oktober 2021): 105765. of Navigation, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, 430063, China b)Hubei Key Laboratory of Inland Shipping Technology, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, 430063, China