Maritime Health Research and Education-NET/Basic procedure for project collaboration with the universities

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Recommendations for the procedures in MAHRE-NET collaboration with the Universities

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  1. A student Coordinator is established
  2. MAHRE-NET meets with the Coordinator and the Dean to inform and discuss about the project
  3. MAHRE-NET, the Dean, the class Coordinator and the students obtain agreement on the project and a date for start
  4. MAHRE-NET makes the electronic questionnaire ready and makes a pilot test
  5. The ICOH code of ethics is known and adapted like the national code of ethics
  6. OMEGA-NET cohorts statement on research integrity and responsible research practice including data sharing is followed
  7. The European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity for self-regulation in all research is followed
  8. Coordinator informs the class and give his/her e-mail address to all in the class
  9. Each member of the class sends an empty mail to the Coordinator.
  10. Coordinator sends the link with the electronic questionnaire to all class mail addresses and collect data on his laptop.
  11. Coordinator sends the first reminder after 1 week and the second after 1 week more
  12. The Coordinator sends the anonymous Excel file with the response data to the MAR-NET team
  13. MAHRE-NET team analyses the data and/or support the Coordinator to do this
  14. A report of the data analysis is written and given to the Coordinator
  15. The Coordinator sends a copy to the class, the Dean and the University Safety Council
  16. Safety Council meets to discuss any possible preventive things that should be done
  17. Safety Council makes minutes of the meeting, the decisions and start implementation
  18. The questionnaire round is repeated after the plan in the protocol (after 1-2 years)
  19. Agreement that the institution who collect the data is the data owner
  20. Agreement that data can be reused by other researchers according to OMEGA-NET agreements
  21. Agreement that reuse of data is by acknowledgement to data owners and by sending copy of article and thesis
  22. Data are stored safely by the collecting institution and by other users
  23. We are aware and follow the Data protection rules for the university (SDU see below)

Signed by the head of the Department/Faculty/institution

Date ______________Name________________ Sign______________________

Data protection regulations