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Mapping/Linear algebra/Section

From Wikiversity

We discuss two classes of mappings which are in the framework of linear algebra very important. They are both so-called linear mappings.

Let be fixed. This real number defines a mapping

For , this is the constant zero mapping. For , we have a bijective mapping, the inverse mappiung is

Here, the inverse mapping has a similar form as the mapping itself.

Let an -matrix

be given, where the entries are real numbers. Such a matrix defines a mapping

by sending an -tuple to the -tuple

The -th component of the image vector is

So one has to apply the -th row of the matrix to the column vector in the described way.

It is a goal of linear algebra to determine, in dependence of the entries , whether the mapping defined by the matrix is injective, surjective or bijective, and how, in the bijective case, the inverse mapping looks like.

A healthy breakfast starts with a fruit salad. The following table shows how much vitamin C, calcium and magnesium various fruits have (in milligram with respect to 100 gram of the fruit).

apple orange grapes banana
vitamin C

This table yields a mapping, which assigns to a -tuple , representing the used fruits, the content of the resulting fruit salad with respect to vitamin C, calcium and magnesium in the form of a -tuplel . This mapping can be described with the matrix

using matrix multiplication as