Macro Strategies to Enable Occupation/Preparation for contemporary practice

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This week should be devoted to considering and preparing for employment opportunities. As highlighted at the start of this subject, MSP aims to provide you with a perspective of a work role that goes beyond the traditional OT practitioner role in a health setting where your focus is on the individual. The project as a learning experience aims to give you a taste of a macro level role. Of course we wish you to be competitive in any type of work you seek, but we aim to encourage you to think broadly. This section is divided into two parts.

Before you view the resources in either section please read this very short recent viewpoint from the Australian Occupational Therapy Journal by McKinstry & Fortune, 2014: Realising our social and occupational value: Could a graduate over-supply push occupational therapy in the right direction? - which proposes the need to shift beyond typical employment destinations - given the changing employment landscape not only for OTs but many graduates. Competition for OT jobs can be fierce, particularly in traditional metropolitan acute service roles. Please also listen to this podcast where I interview Carol McKinstry about rural, community and chronic disease prevention and management roles.

Resources to support your development as an entrepreneur

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This section presents you with information on more entrepreneurial approaches to employment - with a series of playlists relating to social entrepreneurship and establishing your own business. More and more, OT graduates need to consider how they might create their own opportunities for employment. In particular, consider developing your own business, or joining forces with others to establish a social enterprise!

So what is social entrepreneurship?

Check out this playlist - get inspired. We start with a few presentations about what SE is, then get inspired by some entrepreneurs (including an OT) and some enterprising ideas. You can stop after each individual presentation, but all up 30 minutes is all you need.

So what about the business planning side entrepreneurship?

Okay, so many of you might contemplate continuing professional development to provide you with the skills to work with individuals or groups. How about business development skills? So you might have a great idea, a socially worthwhile idea, but can you put together a business plan? There is a whole world of information out there - you could do a degree course or a free online course such as How to build a start-up - a fantastic free course (taken over a month) to get you started on the entrepreneurial pathway.

In the meantime, check out these videos on business planning - 13 minutes in total.

Youtube playlist, Business Planning

Preparing your project capabilities statement

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If you have not already done so, this week you need to plan out and record your video or audio Project Capabilities Statement.

You should upload your 'file' as an asset into pebblepad. You will receive very brief feedback on your statement in the comments section in pebblepad from a tutor. Make sure you check the resource notes in pebble pad, about how to upload a video, including hints on how to link your file in (if you you are used to using this site).