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MODULE 2: Diagnosis, Causality, Prevention and Prognosis of MARITIME Work-related Diseases

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Week 1
  1. Welcome, Orientation of the program
  2. Next week self-study: Stress and Depression, work-related
Self-study next week 5 hours
  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occupational_stress
  2. http://workplacementalhealth.org/Mental-Health-Topics/Depression
  3. Search 5 articles on the topic for seafarers and/or fishermen and make a 150-200-word review IMRAD with a reference list
Week 2
  1. Experience from last week
  2. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Self-study next week 5 hours
  1. https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trastorno_por_estr%C3%A9s_postraum%C3%A1tico
  2. Search 5 articles on the topic for seafarers and/or fishermen and make a 150-200-word review IMRAD with a reference list
Week 3
  1. Experience from last week
  2. Burnout workplace
Self-study next week 5 hours
  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occupational_burnout
  2. Search 5 articles on the topic for seafarers and/or fishermen and make a 150-200-word review IMRAD with a reference list
Week 4
  1. Experience from last week
  2. Carpal tunnel syndrome, work-related
Self-study next week 5 hours
  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carpal_tunnel_syndrome
  2. Search 5 articles on the topic and make a 150-200-word review IMRAD with a reference list
Week 5

Midterm exam 1 You get a research question and have to search and keep five references in your reference system, Based on the abstract and write in Word a small short IMRAD structured summary 100-150 words and make the reference list in Word. Questions of understanding of the course content

Self-study next week Carpal_tunnel_syndrome (5 hours)
  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carpal_tunnel_syndrome
  2. Search 5 articles on the topic for seafarers and/or fishermen and make a 150-200-word review IMRAD with a reference list
Week 6
  1. Experience from last week
  2. Lateral and medial epicondylitis,
Self-study next week 5 hours.
  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tennis_elbow
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golfer%27s_elbow
  3. Search 5 articles on the topic for seafarers and/or fishermen and make a 150-200-word review IMRAD with a reference listst
Week 7
  1. Experience from last week
  2. Low back pain
Self-study next week 5 hours
  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Low_back_pain
  2. Search 5 articles on the topic for seafarers and/or fishermen and make a 150-200-word review IMRAD with a reference list
Week 8
  1. Experience from last week
  2. Neck-shoulder pain
Self-study next week 5 hours
  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neck_pain
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shoulder_impingement_syndrome
  3. Search 5 articles on the topic for seafarers and/or fishermen and make a 150-200-word review IMRAD with a reference list
Week 9
  1. Experience from last week
  2. Shoulder tendinitis
Self-study next week 5 hours
  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shoulder_problem
  2. Search 5 articles on the topic for seafarers and/or fishermen and make a 150-200-word review IMRAD with a reference list
Week 10
  1. Experience from last week
  2. Tendovaginitis of the wrist
Self-study next week 5 hours
  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tenosynovitis (see article below)
  2. Search 5 articles on the topic for seafarers and/or fishermen and make a 150-200-word review IMRAD with a reference list
Week 11

Midterm exam 2 You get a research question and have to search and keep five references in your reference system, Based on the abstract and write in Word a small short IMRAD structured summary 100-150 words and make the reference list in Word. Questions of understanding of the course content

Self-study next week (5 hours)
  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carpal_tunnel_syndrome
  2. SSearch 5 articles on the topic for seafarers and/or fishermen and make a 150-200-word review IMRAD with a reference list
Week 12
  1. Experience from last week
  2. Chemical hypersensitivity
Self-study next week 5 hours
  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiple_chemical_sensitivity
  2. Search 5 articles on the topic for seafarers and/or fishermen and make a 150-200-word review IMRAD with a reference list
Week 13
  1. Experience from last week
  2. Allergic alveolitis
Self-study next week 5 hours
  1. https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alveolitis
  2. Search 5 articles on the topic for seafarers and/or fishermen and make a 150-200-word review IMRAD with a reference list
Week 14
  1. Experience from last week
  2. Asthma and rhinitis
Self-study next week 5 hours
  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asthma
  2. https://www.cochrane.org/CD011815/OCCHEALTH_workplace-interventions-treating-work-related-rhinitis-and-rhinosinusitis
  3. Search 5 articles on the topic for seafarers and/or fishermen and make a 150-200-word review IMRAD with a reference list
Week 15
  1. Experience from last week
  2. Asbestos-related lung disease
Self-study next week 5 hours
  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asbestos-related_diseases
  2. Search 5 articles on the topic for seafarers and/or fishermen and make a 150-200-word review IMRAD with a reference list
Week 16
  1. Experience from last week
  2. Hepatitis toxika
Self-study next week 5 hours
  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hepatotoxicity
  2. Search 5 articles on the topic for seafarers and/or fishermen and make a 150-200-word review IMRAD with a reference list
Week 17
  1. Experience from last week
  2. Work-related cancer
Self-study next week 5 hours
  1. https://oshwiki.eu/wiki/Work-related_cancer
  2. Search 5 articles on the topic for seafarers and/or fishermen and make a 150-200-word review IMRAD with a reference list
Week 18
  1. Experience from last week
  2. Vibration injury
Self-study next week 5 hours
  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hand_arm_vibrations
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vibration_white_finger
  3. Search 5 articles on the topic for seafarers and/or fishermen and make a 150-200-word review IMRAD with a reference list
Week 19
  1. Experience from last week
  2. Hearing damage work-related
Self-study next week 5 hours
  1. https://oshwiki.eu/wiki/Noise
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occupational_hearing_loss
  3. Search 5 articles on the topic for seafarers and/or fishermen and make a 150-200-word review IMRAD with a reference list
Week 20
  1. Experience from last week
  2. Occupational injury
Self-study next week 5 hours
  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Work_accident
  2. Search 5 articles on the topic for seafarers and/or fishermen and make a 150-200-word review IMRAD with a reference list
Week 21
  1. Experience from last week
  2. Occupational diseases
Self-study next week 5 hours
  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occupational_disease
  2. Search 5 articles on the topic for seafarers and/or fishermen and make a 150-200-word review IMRAD with a reference list
Week 22
  1. Experience from last week
  2. National data on injury and diseases
Self-study next week 5 hours
  1. https://www.bls.gov/iif/
  2. Search 5 articles on the topic for seafarers and/or fishermen and make a 150-200-word review IMRAD with a reference list
Week 23
  1. Experience from last week
  2. Occupational medical examination
Self-study next week 5 hours
  1. https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/User:Saltrabook/The_OM_Patient_Record
  2. https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/User:Saltrabook/Clinical_diagnostic_guidelines/La_historia_clinico-laboral
  3. Search 5 articles on the topic and make a 150-200-word review IMRAD with a reference list
Week 24
  1. Experience from last week
  2. Early diagnosis, prognosis and follow-up
Self-study next week 5 hours
  1. https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/User:Saltrabook/Early_diagnosis,_prognosis,_follow-up_and_prevention_guidelines
  2. SSearch 5 articles on the topic for seafarers and/or fishermen and make a 150-200-word review IMRAD with a reference list
Week 25
  1. Experience from last week
  2. Diagnostic guidelines Mental stress
Self-study next week 5 hours
  1. https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Saltrabook/Clinical_diagnostic_guidelines/Mental_stress
  2. Search 5 articles on the topic for seafarers and/or fishermen and make a 150-200-word review IMRAD with a reference list
Week 26

Final exam You get a research question and have to search and keep five references in your reference system, Based on the abstract and write in Word a small short IMRAD structured summary 100-150 words and make the reference list in Word. Questions of understanding of the course content