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The revolutionary improvement in computers and the Internet in recent decade has opened the door to the new way of learning in education(Gillani, 2003, p.xi). This is called E-learning. In addition to this movement, the progress in mobile devices enables humans to access education anytime and anywhere much more quickly and easily. To learn something with mobile devices is called Mobile learning or M-learning.

Examples of M-learning tools

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  • Podcast
  • Nintendo DS
  • PDA
  • Mobile phone



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There are varieties of contents from news, special features to show programs. Those podcast contents provide the up-to-date interesting information, interviews and presentations. Podcast offers many approaches that fascinate students. For instance, foreign language teachers are able to record and give students daily excises which students can listen anytime they want. In addition to this, teachers can record their lectures and share them with students who are absent or remind what the important points in the lectures are (Richardson, 2006, p.118). Podcast enables share the lectures with not only the students involved in the classes, but with the students from all of the world (when they are permitted), with other teachers and parents. Podcast allows the communities to know what the children are learning within the school and it opens the possibilities of distance education. Currently, Apple introduces iPod that videos can be seen. This is called “Screencasting” (Richardson, 2006, p.122). This invention widens the possibilities of m-learning. Now it is potential to view videos and movies by iPod. It surely help students to understand more profoundly.

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(Richardson, 2006, p.114-115).

  • For news, current affairs and other BBC programs, visit BBC

  Those are just some examples of podcasting site. There are various websites which provide podcast programs.

Nintendo DS

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Nintendo DS is the portable video game console developed and manufactured by Nintendo. It firstly released in 2004 in Japan. Since Nintendo DS has the numerous brain training and educational game softwares, it is widely accepted as a learning tool.

Popularity of Nintendo DS in Japan

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In Japan, people choosing Nintendo DS as a self-learning tool are increasing, according to the study done by Keio University and NTT resonant. This research take place between 22 February and 25 February 2008 and the number of respondents are 1063. 50.05% are males and 49.95% were females. It reveals that 20.1% of the respondents using Nintendo DS for their self-learning. This percentage is quite high because other IT devices; not internet-connected computer records 10.8%, iPod records 3.5%, Wii records 1.9% and PSP records 1.1%. (See Figure 1.) NTT resonant publicist analyses this is "due to its huge sales of Nintendo DS game hardware and game software related to brain training and language. There are even schools using Nintendo DS to educate children. These reasons may play roles for this growth" (as cited in ITmedia, 17 June 2008).

Learning with Nintendo DS at school

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Some schools in Japan adopt Nintendo DS as a learning tool. Here's an example of school using Nintendo DS in the classroom. Kageyama (2008) reports that Nintendo DS is used as a learning tool for English-language class in Tokyo Joshi Gakuen. The students uses English learning Nintendo DS software and this software asks students to spell English words on the touch panel screen. When the students spell correctly, the word "GOOD" will appear on the screen and they can go to next exercise. One of the student says Studying with Nintendo DS is "fun". In fact, teacher Motoko Okubo admits Nintendo DS has brought "enthusiam" and has inspired students. Despite there is argumentation against the educational value of Nintendo DS, vice president of Tokyo Joshi Gakuen, Junko Tatsumi emphasised that learning with Nintendo DS in the class is a "great idea". (p.3)

Examples of Nintendo DS learning software

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  • New HORIZON English course DS - This software is based on the English textbook used in Japanese middle school.
  • TOEIC Test DS - This software is for studying English to get better mark in TOEIC(Test o English for International communication)
  • Yomesoude yomenai Kanji DS ("The Kanji which looks we are able to read but actually we cannot" DS) - This is a Kanji character training software
  • Indian style Math drill DS - This is an Indian style Math solving training software.
  • DS Yoji no No-tre ("DS Brain training for children")- This is a brain training for children software

Please note that those Nintendo DS softwares are Japanese version and, therefore, those may not be available in other countries. ("Nintendo software research," n.d.).

Share your understanding of M-learning

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Complete the text below. All of the answers can be found in this page.}.

What are the examples of M-learning?

What is the merit of Podcast?

What mobile device is used as learning tool in some of Japanese school?


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  1. By reading this page, what is your opinion about M-learning? Do you agree with using Podcast or/and Nintendo DS in education? Why/Why not? Share your ideas with peers.
  2. In what age do you think m-learning should be started? In Japan, some primary schools introduce Nintendo DS in the class. Do you think it is appropriate? Discuss with your peers.

Further readings

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For more understanding of M-learning, please check those wiki sites below.

About M-learning

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  1. M-learning

About M-learning devices

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  1. PDA
  2. Mobile phone
  3. Podcast
  4. Nintendo DS


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Gillani, B. (2003). Learning Theories and the Design of E-learning Environments Lanham:University Press of America, Inc.

Jikogakusyu no tool wa PC yori Nintendo DS (The preferred tool for self-learning is Nintendo DS, rather than Computer)(2008 June). Retrieved September 22, 2008, from http://www.itmedia.co.jp/enterprise/articles/0806/17/news105.html

Kageyama, Y.(2008, July 3). Nintendo DS English learning software a big hit with students. The Japan Times, pp.3.

Nintendo. (2008). Nintendo DS Software search. Retrieved September 30, 2008, from http://www.nintendo.co.jp/ds/result.html?pageID=1

Nintendo DS wo katsuyo shiteno eigo jyugyo wo koukai (Open English class using Nintendo DS) (2008 June). Retrieved September 22, 2008, from http://plusd.itmedia.co.jp/games/articles/0806/26/news097.html

Richardson, W. (2006). Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, and Other Powerful Web Tools for Classrooms Calfornia:Corwin Press