Loxdanš/Lesson 5

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We’ve learned mostly how to distinguish words and vocabulary, now we need to learn it fully. When you are done with this course, you have learned most of the words, and it’s similarities between German, English and Danish.

The four classes of words:

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Word Class Endings and beginnings
Nouns Indefinite: ej

Definite: ðe

Pl. Inde.: -es

Pl. Def.: -esen

Adjectives Root: none

First: -em

Second: -ere

Third: -eð

Verbs To do: de ()-e

I do: ej ()-rum

He/She/It does: E/Si/Se ()-am

Past to do: de ()-erot

Present to do: de ()-e

Future to do: de ()-reqi

Past I do/it does: ij ()-ero

Present i do: ij ()-rum

Present he does: e ()-am

Future i do/he does: ij ()-ešo

Adverbs Root: none

Before: -te

Now/After: -ten


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I have a tree = Ij habrum ej Trejo

I have the tree = Ij habrum ðe Trejo

I had the tree = Ij habero ðe Trejo

I will have the tree = Ij habešo ðe Trejo

I play computer games = Ij lërum Komputrelëes

I eat sushi with my friend = Ij æðrum Suši met mën Virend

Good morning, my colleagues! = Got Morjen, mën Kollegaes!

I work at a factory. = Ej virkero i ej Fabriq.

I will work at a factory. = Ej virkešo i ej Fabriq.

I will work in many factories. = Ej virkešo i šonaq Fabriqes.

Fun exercise!

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Here you go, you have some words to play with. Translate them and build them up: Ej, Fabriq, virk, æðrum, Sandviš, Morjen, Got, Komputre, Lë. You can put endings on them if you want.


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Here you will learn numbers, they are easy and have easy buildups. Here you go!

English Low Danish German Danish
One Ej Ein En
Two To Zwei To
Three Tre Drei Tre
Four Ser Vier Fire
Five Pem Fünf Fem
Six Seks Sechs Seks
Seven Sib Sieben Syv
Eight Oxt Acht Otte
Nine Nen Nein Ni
Ten Zen Zehn Ti
Eleven Zenej Elf Elleve
Twelve Zento Zwölf Tolv
Thirteen Zentre Dreizehn Tretten
Twenty Tozen Zwanzig Tyve
Thirty Trezen Dreißig Tredive
Forty Serzen Vierzig Fyrre
Hundred Hundët Hundert Hundrede
Thousand Toson Tausend Tusinde
Million Mëlon Million Million
Billion Mëlir Milliard Milliard
Trillion Tolon Billion Billion
Quadrillion Tolir Billiard Billiard


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If you set before a verb, it becomes negative, but only on action toward people, so not to jump, but to believe, de nëtrafe to unbelieve. There are no other negative makers than

To put -like, like Childlike, you say lix. So Kenaðlix. And again, this is only applied for nouns, but then it becomes an adverb and endings apply to it.