Loxdanš/Lesson 4

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Since we’ve learned about the basic things, let’s go to the vocabulary!

Vocabulary here is easy, because you have already learned the basic formations of words!

Before we begin learning vocabulary, we need to distinguish between Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs and Nouns.

The four classes of words:

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Word Class Endings and beginnings
Nouns Indefinite: ej

Definite: ðe

Pl. Inde.: -es

Pl. Def.: -esen

Adjectives Root: none

First: -em

Second: -ere

Third: -eð

Verbs To do: de ()-e

I do: ej ()-rum

He/She/It does: E/Si/Se ()-am

Past to do: de ()-erot

Present to do: de ()-e

Future to do: de ()-reqi

Past I do/it does: ij ()-ero

Present i do: ij ()-rum

Present he does: e ()-am

Future i do/he does: ij ()-ešo

Adverbs Root: none

Before: -te

Now/After: -ten

Learn to distinguish

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  1. Ðer eriam ej Trejo i London.
  2. Ðer eriam ðe Trejo i London.

Of which noun is definite and indefinite? Write down and you will know the answer.

  1. Ij eriero 1.75 Centimeteri hixem.
  2. Ij eriero nët 1.75 Centimeteri hixem.

Which phrase is negative and which is positive, and which inflection is the adjective in?

  1. Ij sprenjae šrem sprenjatim.
  2. Ij sprenjae sprenjatim.

Which phrase says I run very fast? Write down the answer.

  1. Šorjen eram bexanten Joaxim.
  2. Šorjen eram foranten Joaxim.

Which phrase says Šorjen is behind Joaxim?


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Number of question Answer
Question 1 Definite is answer 2

Indefinite is answer 1

Question 2 The inflection of the adjective

is the first inflection.

Answer 2 is negative.

Question 3 Answer 1 says: I run very fast
Question 4 Answer 1 says: Šorjen is behind Joaxim.