Looking at World War II - Text and Media
Looking at World War II - Text and Meida
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Quick Lesson Information[edit | edit source]
Introduction[edit | edit source]Through technology and the Internet we have a great opportunity to enhance learning through different mediums. We are able to review text and media from the past to help develop a better understanding of the time period. In this lesson plan you will have students look at World War II videos from the American, French, German, Japanese perspectives and summarize what they saw from the perspective of the video the video they watched. They will then tie their response to a "Dr. Seuss Goes To War" political cartoon and explain the significance of their cartoon choice to their video. Students will then respond to another students' post from the perspective of the video they watched and wrote a summary about.
Things to Think About Before Developing a Lesson[edit | edit source]
This lesson is meant to meet California State Standard 11.7 11.7 Students analyze America's participation in World War II (Klingensmith & Geeting, 2009) |
Quick Benefits[edit | edit source]Listed here are some quick benefits of this lesson plan
Looking at World War II from a Different Perspective[edit | edit source]Watch Videos From the American, French, German, Japanese Perspective Break the class up into 4 groups (or the students can do this individually) and have them watch the 10 min. videos about World War II. German Group Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4q7SdVvWpk French Group Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWLFWO4Aatk Japanese Group Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSzioWiAj0U American Group Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hL5EwB4Ie2U Summarize Videos From The Perspective of The Video Have students log-in to the Google group and summarize the video that they saw from that perspective. Have the students find a "Dr. Seuss Goes To War" image and explain in their summary why they chose the image they did and the significance of it. For the first time the students are logging into Google Groups please make time for students to create an account through the Google website. This will probably take 10-15 min for a class of 20 students. You can create your Google Group here: http://groups.google.com/ You can create Google accounts here: https://www.google.com/accounts/NewAccount?continue=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F&hl=en "Dr. Seuss Goes To War" Images: http://www.google.com/images?hl=en&q=dr.+seuss+goes+to+war&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&start=0&uss=1 Responding to Other Group Postings Have your students, either individually or as a group, respond to another group's Google Group posting and the Dr. Seuss political cartoon from the perspective of the video they watched and wrote a summary about. Hopefully, the Google Group postings will help promote deeper discussions, questions and curiosities about World War II.
Create Google Group and Gather Accounts Before Hand[edit | edit source]To avoid any major concerns, it is a good idea to create a Google account and the Group before starting the lesson. Also, you may want to collect the or have students create a Google account before the lesson starts. This is so there will not be any confusion or down time when it is time for students to respond to their videos.
Assessing the Google Group Entries and Responses[edit | edit source]Although it is up to the teacher how they want to grade the Google group entries and responses, here are some ideas for assessing the assignment.
Promoting A Digital Learning Environment[edit | edit source]Promoting a digital learning environment will give the students a different perspective on the curriculum that can help in a students understanding (Son, 2009). With this activity teachers have to opportunity to be deliberate in what they are teaching students. In Philosophy and Teaching by John Dewey he tells us to make students aware of what they are doing and their purpose of an activity (Dewey, 1916). Having the students participate in new activities can be refreshing for students as well as instructors. These new activities can create involved discourse that might lead to some teaching moments for the instructor that might not have otherwise happened. Some activates and discourse that happens in a classroom becomes routine and can become predictable for both the students and the instructor (Stigler & Hiebert, 1999). An online environment can help provide educators with unique teaching and learning strategies that can assist in meeting the educational and lifestyle needs of today’s students (Rogers, 2009). Learning though an online forum, hopefully, will help students as well as instructors further understand the notion that intentional learning can happen outside of a classroom and outside of traditional learning environments (Brown, 2008). Incorporation pictures may serve to help (a) establish the setting, (b) define/develop the characters, (c) extend/develop the plot, (d) provide a different viewpoint, (e) contribute to the text’s coherence, and (f) reinforce the text (Carney & Levin, 2002). In an experiment (Taylor & Chi, 2006) done with a simulation, student achieved higher when they were able to imagine that they acted in the place of a project manager. Hopefully, by creating a summary and responding from a different perspective students will be able to think critically about World War II. The purpose of using the web browser is to deliver content and resource information, as well as provide the means by which students submit work and receive feedback about their assignment (Dickey, 2005). |
References[edit | edit source]