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Adapted from http://www.deakin.edu.au/~jlcybuls/publications/msc-87/appa-bib.pdf


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  • 1981/Brooks, R.A. (1981): "Model-Based Three Dimensional Interpretations of Two Dimensional Images," IJCAI 81, 619-624.
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  • 1981/Sag, I.A. (1981): "Formal Semantics and Extralinguistic Context," in Cole 1981, 273-295.
  • 1981/Schank, R.C. and Riesbeck, C.K. (1981): Inside Computer Understanding: Five Programs Plus Miniatures, Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
  • 1982/Cox, P.R. and Broughton, R.K. (1982): Micro Expert Users Manual, Version 2.1.1, ISIS Systems Ltd.
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  • 1982/Small, S., Cottrell, G. and Shastri, L. (1982): "Toward Connectionist Parsing," Proc. AAAI 82, 247-250.
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