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Linear algebra (Osnabrück 2024-2025)/Part I/List of definitions

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Definition:Empty set

The set which does not contain any element is called the empty set, denoted by


Let and denote sets. is called a subset

of if every element of is also an element of .


For sets und , we call

the intersection

of the two sets.


For sets und , we call

the union

of the sets.

Definition:Cartesian product

Suppose that two sets and are given. Then the set

is called the product set

(or Cartesian product) of the sets.


Let and denote sets. A mapping from to is given by assigning, to every element of the set , exactly one element of the set . The unique element which is assigned to , is denoted by . For the mapping as a whole, we write


Let and denote sets, and let

be a mapping. Then is called injective, if for two different elements , also and

are different.


Let and denote sets, and let

be a mapping. Then is called surjective, if for every , there exists at least one element , such that


Let and denote sets and suppose that

is a mapping. Then is called bijective if is injective as well as


Definition:Inverse mapping

Let denote a bijective mapping. Then the mapping

which sends every element to the uniquely determined element with ,

is called the inverse mapping of .


Let and denote sets, let


be mappings. Then the mapping

is called the composition of the mappings

and .


An operation (or binary operation) on a set is a mapping


A set is called a field if there are two binary operations (called addition and multiplication)

and two different elements , which fulfill the following properties.

  1. Axioms for the addition:
    1. Law of associativity: holds for all .
    2. Law of commutativity: holds for all .
    3. is the neutral element of the addition, i.e. holds for all .
    4. Existence of the negative: For every , there exists an element with .
  2. Axioms of the multiplication:
    1. Law of associativity: holds for all .
    2. Law of commutativity: holds for all .
    3. is the neutral element for the multiplication, i.e. holds for all .
    4. Existence of the inverse: For every with , there exists an element such that .
  3. Law of distributivity: holds for all .


For a natural number , one puts

and calls this factorial.

Definition:Binomial coefficient

Let and denote natural numbers with . Then

is called the binomial coefficient choose

Definition:Polynomial in one variable

Let be a field. An expression of the form

with and ,

is called a polynomial in one variable over .

Definition:Degree of a polynomial

The degree of a nonzero polynomial


is .