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Linear algebra (Osnabrück 2024-2025)/Part I/Lecture 19/refcontrol

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In the lectures to come we will try to understand a -matrixMDLD/matrix (an endomorphism) by looking at expressions of the form

where means the -th matrix product of the matrix with itself, being the unit matrix . Such expressions arise by plugging matrices into polynomials. In this lecture, we introduce polynomials and the polynomial ring.

The polynomial ring over a field

The polynomial ring over a fieldMDLD/field consists of all polynomials

where , . It is endowed with componentwise addition and a multiplication, which arises by distributive continuation of the rule

A polynomial

is, formally seen, nothing but the tuple , these numbers are called the coefficient of the polynomial. The polynomials are equal if and only if all their coefficients coincide. The letter is called the variable of the polynomial ring. In this context, the field is called the base field of the polynomial ring. Due to the componentwise definition of the addition, we have immediately a commutative group, with the zero polynomial (where all coefficients are ) as neutral element. The polynomials with for all are called constant polynomials, they are simply written as .

The way a polynomial is written suggests how the multiplication shall work, the product is given by the addition of the exponents, thus . For arbitrary polynomials, the multiplication arises from this simple multiplication rule by distributive continuation according to the law to multiply "everything with everything“. Explicitly, the multiplication is given by the following rule gegeben:[1]

The multiplication is associative, commutative, distributive, and the constant polynomial is its neutral element, see exercise. Altogether, we have a commutative ring.MDLD/commutative ring

The degree of a nonzero polynomial


is .

We do not define a degree for the zero polynomial. The coefficient , where is the degree of the polynomial, is called the leading coefficient of the polynomial. The term is called leading term. A polynomial with leading coefficient is called normed.

The graph of a polynomial function from to of degree .

We can plug in (or insert or evaluate at) an element , into a polynomial , by replacing the variable everywhere by . This gives a mapping

which we call the polynomial function defined by the polynomial. In general, this mapping is not linear, only the polynomials of the form are linear.

Die Division with remainder

Let be a field. We say that a polynomial divides a polynomial , if there exists a polynomial such that

If can be divided by , we also say that is a multiple of . In it is not possible to divide any element by any element . This is different from a field, but similar no the integers . However, there is an important substitute, the Euclidean division.

Let be a fieldMDLD/field and let be the polynomial ringMDLD/polynomial ring over . Let be polynomials with . Then there exist unique polynomials such that

We prove the statement about the existence by induction over the degreeMDLD/degree (polynomial) of . If the degree of is larger than the degree of , then and is a solution.

Suppose that . By the remark just made also holds, so is a constant polynomial, and therefore (since and is a field) and is a solution.

So suppose now that and that the statement for smaller degrees is already proven. We write and with . Then setting we have the relation

The degree of this polynomial is smaller than and we can apply the induction hypothesis to it. That means there exist and such that

From this we get altogether

so that and is a solution.

To prove uniqueness, let , both fulfilling the stated conditions. Then . Since the degree of the difference is smaller than , this implies and so .

The polynomial divides if and only if the remainder in the Euclidean division is . The proof of this theorem is constructive, that is, it describes a method how to perform the Euclidean division effectively. For this, it is necessary to be able to perform the operations in the base field. We give two examples, one over the rational numbers and one over the complex numbers.

We want to apply the Euclidean divisionMDLD/Euclidean division (over )

So we want to divide a polynomial of degree by a polynomial of degree , hence the quotient and also the remainder have (at most) degree . For the first step, we ask with which term we have to multiply to achieve that the product and have the same leading term. This is . The product is

The difference between and this product is

We continue the division by with this polynomial, which we call . In order to get coincidence with the leading coefficient we have to multiply with . This yields

The difference between this and is therefore

This is the remainder and altogether we get

We perform the Euclidean divisionMDLD/Euclidean division (polynomial)

The inverse of is , and therefore we have

Hence, starts with , and we have

We have to subtract this term from and we obtain

We apply the same procedure to this polynomial (which we call ). We compute

Therefore, the constant term of equals , and we obtain

We subtract this from and get

This term is the remainder , the Euclidean division altogether is


A zero of a polynomial is an element such that . A polynomial does not necessarily have zeroes, and this depends also on the base field. The polynomial has no real zero, but it has the complex zeroes and . As an element in , the polynomial can not be written as a product of simpler polynomials. However, in , it has the factor decomposition

Let be a field,MDLD/field let be the polynomial ringMDLD/polynomial ring (1) over and . Then the evaluation mapping

is -linear.MDLD/linear Moreover, we have

see exercise.

Let be a fieldMDLD/field and let be the polynomial ringMDLD/polynomial ring over . Let be a polynomial and . Then is a zeroMDLD/zero (polynomial)

of if and only if is a multiple of the linear polynomial .

If is a multiple of , then we can write

with another polynomial . Inserting yields

In general, there exists, due to fact, a representation

where either or the degree of is , so in both cases is a constant. Inserting yields

So if holds, then the remainder must be , and this means .

Let be a fieldMDLD/field and let be the polynomial ringMDLD/polynomial ring over . Let be a polynomial () of degreeMDLD/degree (polynomial)

. Then has at most zeroes.

We prove the statement by induction over . For the statement holds. So suppose that and that the statement is already proven for smaller degrees. Let be a zero of (if does not have a zero at all, we are done anyway). Hence, by fact and the degree of is , so we can apply to the induction hypothesis. The polynomial has at most zeroes. For we have . This can be zero, due to fact, only if one factor is , so the zeroes of are or a zero of . Hence, there are at most zeroes of .

The Fundamental theorem of algebra

The following Fundamental theorem of algebra holds, which we state without a proof.

Every nonconstant polynomialMDLD/polynomial (1K) over the complex numbersMDLD/complex numbers has a

zero.MDLD/zero (function)

The Fundamental theorem of algebra implies that every polynomial different from has a factorization into linear factors, that is,

where, up to the ordering, the complex numbers are uniquely determined (and repetitions may happen).

Rational functionen

The polynomial ring is a commutative ring,MDLD/commutative ring but not a field.MDLD/field However, we can construct a field which contains the polynomial ring with the help of the so-called formal-rational functions, in a similar way as we can construct the rational numbers from the integers . For this, we define

where we identify, like in , two fractions and , whenever

holds. In this way, the field of rational functions (over ) arises.

A fraction of polynomials may be considered as a function which is defined outside the zeroes of the denominator. The example shows the graph of the rationale function .

The formal expression can be considered as a function in the following way.

Let be a field.MDLD/field For polynomialsMDLD/polynomials (1K) , , the functionMDLD/function

where is the complementMDLD/complement of the zeroesMDLD/zeroes

of , is called a rational function.

Next to the polynomial functions, the simplest functions are the rational functions.

  1. Here, like for the addition of polynomials of different degrees, the coefficients for or are .

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