Law school outlines

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Law school outlines are study aids written by law school students during final exam preparations. Due to the expansiveness of material covered during a semester for a typical law school class, students must condense their class notes and reading notes into a manageable outline. The outlines focus on key issues with brief case summaries. In addition to outlines prepared by students, commercial outlines exist that are commonly sold in school bookstores. However, outlines drafted by students are often class, professor and semester specific, whereas commercial outlines are typically more general and some are written as a guide for specific textbooks. Law school outlines are often passed down from upper level students who previously took the relevant class, or downloaded from online sites. Often these websites charge for downloads, while a select few offer students an exchange program, where the students can upload their outlines in exchange for download credits. Some sites even allow their users to upload their old outlines and share in the revenues earned from the sales of downloads for those outlines.

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See also

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