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The Present Participle

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The Present Participle is formed like this:

  • Regular verbs on -are => -ans: carmínans
  • Regular verbs on -ere => -ens: prennens
  • Regular verbs on -ére => -ens: temens
  • Regular verbs on -íre => -íens: finíens
  • Regular verbs on -íre => -ens: sentens
  • esse: (iéns), éns, essens
  • posse: possiens, possens
  • velle, nolle: volens, nolens
  • ire: íens
  • fêre: fíens

They adapt to the gender of whatever they represent.

  • male: prennens, prennenti
  • female: prennenti, prennente
  • neuter: prennente, prennenta

The may be used in any of the following ways:

  • Substantive (used litterally, similar to English word on -ing and -er, or as a profession): i cercanti (the searchers), te vide l'ambulans? (Can you see the one that is walking?), il videns (the seeing, as opposed to the blind), il carmínans, la carmínanti (the singer)
  • Adjective (similar to English word on -ing, or as a profession): te vide la dama carmínanti? (Can you see the singing woman?), il homo lavorans va esse compensato (the (=any) man who works will be rewarded), il pontifex battens (the warrior-priest), il carmínans iscrivens (the singer-songer)
  • Gerundive (replacing a whole sentence): cercante mi capu, me revigni a domu (I came back home because I was looking for my hat), carmínante me lavoro (I sing while I work). Note that this construction uses the dative form: carmínante for male (and neuter), carmínanti for female, other way around in the plural.

The Past Participle

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The Present Participle of regular verbs is formed like this:

  • Regular verbs on -are => -ato: carmínato
  • Regular verbs on -ere => -uto: / (irregular: prenso)
  • Regular verbs on -ére => -uto: temuto
  • Regular verbs on -íre => -íto: finíto
  • Regular verbs on -íre => -íto: sentíto

There are many irregular past participles (see below). Irregularities in the Past Participle often correspond to irregularities in the Perfectu. The Past Participles adapt to the gender of whatever they represent.

  • male: temuto, temuti
  • female: temuta, temute
  • neuter: temutu, temuta

The may be used in any of the following ways:

  • Substantive (rarely translated literally): il cercato (the one they searched), i persi (the lost ones, the ones that have lost the way, the ones we lost), l'amato/-a (the lover), il/la morto/-a (the dead one, the deceased)
  • Female Form (describing the literal action): su venuta/arrivata (his arrival), la questa (the request)
  • Adjective (similar to English words on -ed: l'adefíçu renovatu (The renovated building), il homo visto (the man you/we saw)
  • Gerundive (replacing a whole sentence): Finíto mi lavoro, mi me reposâi (having finished my work, I rested), Essuto/Ito/Stato, -a a ví, me vidi illu que l'intensi (Now that I was there, I saw what he ment).

Additionally, the PP is used for the Passive Voice: m'es visto (I am seen), l'es factu (it is being done), le fûi postu a lí (it was put there)
The Passive Voice is also used with esse or stare for general, impersonal things: l' es/sta lavoratu a cuí (There is work going on here), le n'es nò sapítu facere istu (It is impossible to do that)

List of irregular verbs

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esse - essuto - been
posse - possuto - allowed
velle - voluto - wanted/willing to
nolle - (noluto) - not wanting to
ire - ito'(like Group 2) - went/about to
fêre - (factu)'- been there, existed
habíre - habíto/habuto - got, had, recieved
biére (bevére) - biuto (bevuto) - drunk
(ac)cadére - (ac)caduto - happened
cedere - cesso - came, arrived
queríre - questo - chosen, wanted
cognere - connuto (cognuto, cogníto) - known, met
squire - squito - knowing, found out
sapíre - sapíto/saputo (seputo) - understood, been able to
dicere (dire) - dicto - said
devére (diére) - devuto, debto - had to, required, needed
facere (fare) - facto - done, made
valére - valso/valuto - costed
messere - messo (messuto) - done
movere - mosso/moto - moved
nacere - nato, nacto, nêco - born
placere - plaçuto (placuto) - pleased, glad
parére - parso - appeared, seemed
ponére - posto - put
prennere - preso - taken
rennere - reso - given back, returned
manere - masto/maso - remained
remanere (rimare) - remasto - stayed
respondere - resposto - anwsered
rompere - rupto (rûpto) - broken
scrivere - scripto - written
sidére - séso/siso - sat
tenére - tenuto - held, had
veníre - venuto (vinuto) - became, came
vidére - visto - seen
vincere - vincto - won
vivere - vito/victo/vivo - lived, survived
aperíre - aperto - appeared
avertíre - avertíto - warned
capíre - capto - caught, seased, captured
costruíre - costructo - built
duíre - ducto - lead
moríre - morto (murto) - died, dead
offeríre - offerto - given
servíre - serto/servíto - served
dare - dato - given
stare - stato - been