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Different kinds of adjectives

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Adjectives conjugate similarly to nouns, therefore good knowledge of the nouns ir reccomended. Having read on the nouns at least once is a minimal requirement to understand adjectives.
Adjectives are divided first into anteméssa (placed before the noun) and posteméssa (placed after the noun). Anteméssa are generaly conugated like the article, while posteméssa follow the noun itself.

Adjectives of the first conjugation

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Behind the noun

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Just like nouns, adjectives are divided into two conjugations. Adjectives of the first conjugation always ends on -o in their male form. Replacing this -o with -a and -u give you their respective female and neuter forms.
Most adjectives are placed behind the noun, a few few before them, and some nouns have a different meaning depending on their place. For example, bello, when placed behind the noun means beautiful, handsome, pretty, while bel before a noun is more generale: nice, good, pretty, ... When placed behind the noun (or with no noun at all), the adjective copies the exits from the nouns of the first conjugation:

Nominative Accusative Dative Genitive
il gamo bello le gamo bello lo gamo bello li gami belli
i gami belli i gami belli li gami belli li gamor bellor
la gama bella la gama bella la gama bella lé game belle
lé game belle la game belle li game belle lé gamar bellar
le domu bellu le domu bellu lo domo bello la domi belli
la doma bella la doma bella li domi belli la domor bellor

Before the noun

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Adjectives behind a noun will be found in the dictionary as for example bello, -a, u. Adjectives before the will be found as for example bel, bella* (he asterisk is to remind you to put it before the noun). From this you can derive the root bell- and the short form bel. The short form will be used in the nominative and accusative with male or neuter nouns. All other forms will gets the root with the exit of the article.

Nominative Accusative Dative Genitive
il bel gamo le bel gamo lo bello gamo li belli gami
i belli gami i belli gami li belli gami li belli gamor
la bella gama la bella gama la bella gama belle game
belle game la bella game li belli game belle gamar
le bel domu le bel domu lo bello domo la bella domi
la bella doma la bella doma li belli domi la bella domor

Adjectives of the second conjugation

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Behind the noun

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Nouns of the second conjugation are slightly harder because their gender is hard to define. In the dative and genitive singular, and in all the plural forms, they follow the noun or the article depending on it's position. In the accusative and nominative singular, they take a differnent form. In most cases, male and neuter adjectives have root + -e here, while female ones have root + -i. However:

  • Some adjectives have -er, -(e)ri, -(e)re: aguer, agri, agre
  • Some adjectives (mainly active participles have -ns, -nti, -nte: carmínans, carmínanti, carmínante

As an example, we'll take grande, -di, -de, which means big when place behind a noun. Before a noun it becomes gran, grandi which means great as in "very good".

Nominative Accusative Dative Genitive
l' homo grande l' homo grande l' homine grande li homini grandi
i homini grandi i homini grandi li homini grandi li hominor grandor
la ris grandi la ris grandi la réa granda lé réie grande
lé réie grande la réie grande li réie grande lé réar grandar
le corpu grande le corpu grande lo corpere grande la corperi grandi
la corpera granda la corpera granda li corperi grandi la corperor grandor

Before the noun

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Adjectives before a noun work just the way they do when they follow the first conjugation, except for the accusative and nominative singular. Also keep in mind that the exit -o is always replaced with -e!

Nominative Accusative Dative Genitive
il gran homo le gran homo lo grande homine li grandi homini
i grandi homini i grandi homini li grandi homini li grandi hominor
la grandi ris la grandi ris la granda réa grande réie
grande réie la granda réie li grandi réie grande réar
le gran corpu le gran corpu lo grande corpere la granda corperi
la granda corpera la granda corpera li grandi corpera la granda corperor

Demonstrative Pronouns

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Demonstrative pronouns are words like this and that have the same function as the defintite article but are stronger and more specific. English has two "places": here and there (and archaic yonder)
Latonic has three: cuí (here), (within eye range) and (far away). Therefore, it also has three demonstrative pronouns:

  • Istu is usually associated with quí.
  • Illu is usually associated with .
  • Víe is usually associated with .

In modern spoken language, illu and istu may be used less specifically, having the same function but istu being stronger, while illu always refers to something earlier mentioned.
The demonstrative pronouns are placed before the noun and conjugated like the adjectives before a noun. They may also be used on their own, in which case they are conjugated like the adjective behind a noun.
An overview of genders:

  • Sol. isto, ista, istu, Adj. iste, ista (1st/1st Cg.)
  • Sol. illo, illa, illu, Adj. ille, illa (1st/1st Cg.)
  • Sol. víe, víi, víe, Adj. ví, vía (2nd/1st Cg.)
Nominative Accusative Dative Genitive
isto isto isto isti
iste gamo iste gamo isto gamo isti gami
isti isti isti istor
isti gami isti gami isti gami isti gamor
ista ista ista iste
ista gama ista gama ista gama iste game
iste iste iste istar
iste game ista game isti game iste gamar
istu istu isto isti
iste domu iste domu isto domo ista domi
ista ista isti istor
ista doma ista doma isti domi ista domor
Nominative Accusative Dative Genitive
illo illo illo illi
ille gamo ille gamo illo gamo illi gami
illi illi illi illor
illi gami illi gami illi gami illi gamor
illa illa illa ille
illa gama illa gama illa gama ille game
ille ille ille illar
ille game illa game illi game ille gamar
illu illu illo illi
ille domu ille domu illo domo illa domi
illa illa illi illor
illa doma illa doma illi domi illa domor
Nominative Accusative Dative Genitive
víe víe víe víi
gamo gamo víe gamo víi gami
víi víi víi víor
víi gami víi gami víi gami víi gamor
víi víi vía víe
vía gama vía gama vía gama víe game
víe víe víe víar
víe game vía game víi game víe gamar
víe víe víe víi
víe domu víe domu vío domo vía domi
vía vía víi víor
vía doma vía doma víi domi vía domor