Latin American and Latina/o Cultural Studies

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This project page is created in conjunction with Latin American and Latino Studies: Culture and Society in a Global Context (100B) at the University of California, Santa Cruz.

The course provides a foundation to the study of culture in Latin@ América. The course presents a critical analysis of the cultural forces and cultural processes that shape social life, institutions, identities, discourses, media and artistic forms and practices, in local, global and regional contexts. This transnational and interdisciplinary framework probes the connection between culture and power. The course examines the cultural flows and cultural politics that are re-defining and reshaping the nation, community practices, and daily life.

The entries on this project page were created by students in LALS 100B as an assignment designed to integrate Latin@s and Latin American theories and scholars, cultural makers, media and artistic practices into the Wikipedia Universe.

Circuits of Culture[1]

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  • Production
  • Identity
  • Representation
  • Consumption
  • Intervention


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'Notable Scholars in Cultural Studies'

Notable Cultural/Media Makers

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Hemispheric Connections

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Media and Arts
Cultural Arts Centers/Galleries
Books and Publications


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  1. adapted from Du Gay, Paul. Production of Cultures/Cultures of Production. London: Open University Press, 1997.

See also

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