LHC black hole risk/A critique of Stop the LHC-until we know it's safe

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(Review Paper) Cited in LHC black hole risk/A critique of Stop the LHC-until we know it's safe

The LHC Isn't Safe

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The magnitude of the experimental Large Hadron Collider, and the largely unknown potential outcomes of the experiment could lead to disastrous consequences for humanity and distorting the planet. [1].


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The potential for the creation of miniature black holes within the LHC as a result of collisions between protons is unpredictable. A black hole created by these collisions would be trapped within earths gravitational field, and potentially slowly gain and acquire mass, causing it to grow. The argument that a miniature black hole poses little risk due to the argument of "Hawking Radiation" has not been proven. The risk with continuing with such an experiment far outweighs any potential scientific benefit, because such an experiment as the LHC has the potential to put human life and the planet at risk of being destroyed. [1].


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  1. 1.0 1.1 Wagner, W.L. (n.d.) Stop the LHC-until we know it's safe! http://www.lhcdefense.org/index.php