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RR: taegeuk (太極) [1]
  1. The Ultimate Oneness, Taiji, or the like. [2]
RR: taegeukgi (太極旗)
  1. the national flag of the Republic of Korea [3]
RR: taegeukdo (太極圖)
  1. Taijitu or yin-yang diagram
  • It is quite an irony as well as mystery that the colorful shield pattern above (ca. AD 430) of an Western Roman infantry unit is the earliest known Taijitu or yin-yang diagram, most likely of East Asian origin, and that most likely earlier than that. The influence of the East on the West would have never ended with that!
See also
  1. 태극
  2. 표준국어대사전
    1. 중국 철학에서, 우주 만물의 근원이 되는 실체.
    2. 하늘과 땅이 분리되기 이전의 세상 만물의 원시 상태.
  3. 표준국어대사전
    1. 대한민국의 국기. 흰 바탕의 한가운데 진홍빛 양(陽)과 푸른빛 음(陰)의 태극을 두고, 사방 대각선 상에 검은빛 사괘(四卦)를 둔다. 사괘의 위치는 건(乾)을 왼편 위, 곤(坤)을 오른편 아래, 감(坎)을 오른편 위, 이(離)를 왼편 아래로 한다. 조선 고종 19년(1882)에 일본에 수신사로 간 박영효가 처음 사용하고, 고종 20년(1883)에 정식으로 국기로 채택ㆍ공포되었다. 1949년에 문교부 고시로 현재의 형태로 확정되었다.
  4. That shows the shield pattern of the Western Roman infantry unit armigeri defensores seniores.
  5. It shows a taijitu in red and black, with the motto contraria sunt complementa ("opposites are complementary").
  6. Numericana - Escutcheons of Science
  7. That is, the yin-yang diagram, "with black representing yin and white representing yang. It is a symbol that reflects the inescapably intertwined duality of all things in nature, a common theme in Taoism. No quality is independent of its opposite, nor so pure that it does not contain its opposite in a diminished form: these concepts are depicted by the vague division between black and white, the flowing boundary between the two, and the smaller circles within the large regions."
  8. Of binary opposition, that is, Taiji of yin and yang.
  9. Join the edges labelled A so that the directions of the arrows match.