Java Tutorial/Control Structures II - Looping
You can use loops to repeat the execution of a certain thing, without writing it out multiple times. There are several different loops you can use to meet your needs.
While Loops
[edit | edit source]While loops are the simplest kind of loops. They go as follows:
while(boolean) {
//Java code...The do section
While the boolean is true, the "do..." section will be executed. Once it becomes false, the loop will exit. An example:
int counter = 0;
while(counter < 5) {
counter++; //same as counter = counter + 1;
This displays the numbers 0 - 4 in the loop, and 5 outside of it.
Do-While Loops
[edit | edit source]Do-While loops have the structure like:
do {
//Java code...
} while(boolean);
It will execute "do...", and then check if the boolean is true or false. Then, it repeats. This is just like a regular while loop, except it ensures the code is executed at least once. An example of its use:
double counter = 1.5; //double is just like a float, except stores more
do {
counter += 1.0; //add 1 to counter
} while(counter < 5.0);
This will print the numbers 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, and 5.5.
For Loops
[edit | edit source]For loops are used mostly when you want counters in your loop. The structure is:
for(assign something a value; boolean; what to exec after each loop) {
The usual usage is:
//myNumber is just some number or variable that you want to count up to
for(int i = 0; i < myNumber; i++) { //increase by 1
As you can see, the loop first sets i to equal 0. Then, it checks that i is less than myNumber (before actually executing something). Then, it executes "do...". It increases i by 1. Then, it checks that i is less than myNumber again, executes "do...", etc.
(learn for-each loops in array section?)
[edit | edit source]- Make a for-loop that prints "Something" exactly 5 times.
public class RegularAnswer {
public static void main ( String[] args ) {
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { //can't be equal to 5, as i starts at 0
Another, more "wild" answer:
public class WildAnswer {
public static void main( String[] args ) {
for(int i = 10; i < 18; i += 2) { //going by 2 each time, from 10 - 16
System.out.println("Something"); //executed when i is 10, 12, 14, and 16
System.out.println("Something"); //5th time
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