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Irish Language/Commonly Confused Words/Vocabulary

From Wikiversity

This page contains pre-formatted vocabulary for the page Irish/Language/Commonly Confused Words. It contains non-Wiki-formatted content. Detailed instructions on using this content are forthcoming.

How to Use This Page

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Downloading Preformatted Content

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Below is a section marked "Preformatted Vocabulary". To use this data, you must download it to a file and then import it into a flash card program such as Anki. To download this data:

  1. Select the text in the text box below.
  2. Copy the selected text.
  3. Open a text editing app on your device and open a new document in that text editor.
  4. Paste the text into your text editor.
  5. Save the text in a new file with the file extension ".tsv"

If you have issues with this process, please check to see if your text editor has replaced the tabs separating the items with one or more spaces.

Once you have a .tsv file, you can:

  • Import it into a spreadsheet for editing
  • Import it into a flash card app for digital learning
  • Mail merge it into a word processor to create printed flash cards

The next section describes the data format used for this data and provides links to any existing resources for using it.

About the Cúpla Data Format

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This data is formatted as "Cúpla" data. Each line of this file represents:

  • Between two and four Irish language words
  • A very brief English gloss of each word

Use this data to make flash cards containing two words each, to learn the difference between similar or easily confused words.

Each line is formatted as follows:

Term 1 An Irish word
Gloss 1 A brief English gloss of Term 1
Term 2 A different but similar Irish word
Gloss 2 A brief English gloss of Term 2

The pattern continues for up to 4 terms.

Preformatted Vocabulary

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cathaoir	chair	cathain	when	cathair	city	ceathair	four
cabhair	help	comhair	count				
ceann	head	céanna	same	cheana	already		
ceannaigh	buy	coinnigh	keep				
comhairle	advice; (town) council	comhaltas	brotherhood, group	comhartha	sign, symbol	comhlacht	company
caol	slender	cos	leg, foot	col	sin, incest		
clog	bell, clock	cloch	stone				
deas	southwards, nice	deir	say (pr. tense of "abair")	deis	right (side)	déag	"-teen" in numbers
fear	man	féar	grass	fearr	better		
fuar	cold	fuair	got (past tense of "faigh")				
fuil	dependent form of "bí"; blood	fei	suit, be suitable				
ga	spear	gá	need	gé	goose		
imir	to play (a game)	imigh	to leave				
labhair	speak	leabhar	book	leaba	bed	leanbh	baby
lámh	hand	léamh	reading	leannán	lover	léirigh	explain
leathuair	a half hour	leathreas	toilet				
muinteoir	teacher	muintir	people				
nó	or	ná	nor	na	the (pl.)		
post	job, post	pósta	married	pós	to marry		
sáil	heel	saol	life	seol	send	saor	free
siúl	walk	súil	eye				
seo	this	seó	show	só	joy		
trá	beach	tráth	time, occasion	trácht	beach, base, or journey		
timpeall	round	timpeallacht	environment	timpeallán	roundabout, carousel		
buíocán	yolk	buíochas	gratitude