For the multiplicative algebraic closure of an algebra
, which contains an additional element
, more elements must added to an algebra:
- the multiplication with itself yield elements
) and also
- any multiplications of
with elements in
generate elements like
are back in
- the additive algebraic closure also requires that polynomials
with coefficients
are element of algebraic conclusion.
With a system of topology-producing gauge functionals you can define a topological closure of the polynomial gebra
the set of all powers series with coefficients in
of the form

The notation of
cannot say anything about the convergence of a series, because a topologisation of the algebra is necessary.
defines purely algebraic a power series with arbitrary coefficients from the algebra
For a fixed
is used as the sequence of the partial sums

, analogously to the polynomial gebra, the cauchy multiplication of two potency rows
is defined as multiplicative operation as follows.

An element
can be identified with the constant polynomial
Be two power series
given with:

The equality of potency rows
is defined by the coefficient equality:

The equality of power series or Polynomials do not necessarily have to be defined by the coefficient equation, but can also be defined by the equality of images
for all
from the definition range
If, for example, the residual class ring
modulo 3 is used as the definition range of a polynomial, the polynomial differs

of the zero polynomial with respect to the coefficients of
. Nevertheless, the condition
applies to all
In the further learning unit on topological invertability criteria, the equality of the power series or Polynomials then and only if two polynomials are coefficient for all coefficients of
be an algebra and
the algebra of the power series with coefficients in
. Furthermore, a system of gauge functional
is defined, then the topological closure of the polynomialgebra
is designated by
. All
if the following condition applies
for all
Induced topology from the algebra to the algebra of power series
[edit | edit source]
a topological algebra of class
Furthermore, a positive constant
and a
and a
are selected, by the following Gauge functionals:
-Gaugefunctional on vector space of all
Potency rows with coefficients are defined in

Topological closure of the polynomial gebra with respect to the gauge functional system
[edit | edit source]
then refer to the topological conclusion of
with respect to
, i.e. vector space of all potency rows with coefficients in
, which additionally meet the following condition:

Topologizing of algebra of power series and algebra extension
[edit | edit source]
The algebra of power series
is now topologized in a way that depends on the Gauge functional system on
. This procedure is necessary in order to embed the algebra
. That is to say the unital algebra
from a class
is added to the algebra extension
by an algebraisomorphism
, where
is the single element of
is the single element of
is homeomorphous to
; i.e.
are steady.
The rigidity of algebraisomorphism and the reverse image
is later detected by the gauge functional systems on
and the relative topology induced from
isotone sequences of Gauge functionals with
, applicable to:
for all 
for all
for all
for all
Prerequisite 2 - Gauge-functional systems on algebra of power series
[edit | edit source]
The following four systems are available at
by Gauge-functional for
Prerequisite 2 - Definition of Gauge Functional Systems
[edit | edit source]
With the above conditions, the systems generate the same on
topology. In particular, a solid
is obtained for all 4 selected subsystems of gauge functional
,\dots ,
the same subsystem
open sets of topology
the following inequality chain:

The subsystems thus agree with a fixed
, i.e.
Output topology in accordance with q.e.d.
The coefficients of the elements of
can also be determined clearly via the partial sums. The partial sums are clearly defined as linear combinations in
. However, the partial sums as sequence in
do not necessarily have to converge.
![{\displaystyle {\begin{array}{rll}p(t):=\displaystyle \sum _{k=0}^{\infty }p_{k}\cdot t^{k}&,&q(t):=\displaystyle \sum _{k=0}^{\infty }q_{k}\cdot t^{k}\in A[t]\\&&{\mbox{ mit }}p^{\downarrow m}(t)=q^{\downarrow m}(t){\mbox{ }}\forall t\in \mathbb {K} \\&\Longrightarrow &0_{A}=\displaystyle \sum _{k=0}^{\infty }(p_{k}-q_{k})t^{k}\\\end{array}}}](

is a house village flock,
applies to all
an algebra and
the algebra of all potency rows with coefficients in
Cauchymultiplication. Partial sum up to grade
Potency series
is the following polynomial:

a polynomial gebra. Reference
the system of partial sum functions of

generated topology is called partial sum topology of
The partial sum topology is more than that of
produced starting topology, for

The partial sum topology is obtained by
individual gauge functional
linked to the first
summands of the polynomial and as
selects topology-producing functionals on
selected as desired.
The following Lemma shows the clarity of the factorization of any desired
and one by
selected formal potency series
In the following tasks, some small exercises will be used to calculate
Norm - Matrixalegbra - Topologising algebra of power series
[edit | edit source]
The two dies are given

with the single element
in the algebra
is standard

a normed space.
- Show that the potency series
and the standard
are not in
- Calculate
and the above-defined coefficients in
- Calculate the matrix
We use as domain and range
, which the algebra
of the continuous functions of
with the seminorms
![{\displaystyle \|f\|_{n}:=\displaystyle \max _{x\in [-n,+n]}|f(x)|}](
a local convex topological vector space.
- Topologize the polynomial agebra
with a system of seminorms
, which is defined via the seminorms
- select the coefficients as a geometric series for the

- Show that the seminorms
are submultiplicative, i.e.
- Select the coefficients
so that the polynomial
as the cosine function for all
is an element of the algebra of power series
The object
is thus a power series with coefficients
as cosine function. For example, select
and calculate
for all
. The sequence of coefficients
must have a general characteristic for providing
for all
, i.e. for all
the seminorm must yield a finite value.
- Choose a geometric series of
and show that

- with the Cauchy product on
Be selected as desired
a unital algebra with single element
is with the cauchy multiplication an algebra in which:
![{\displaystyle \forall _{\displaystyle p\in A^{\infty }[t]}\exists _{\displaystyle {\widehat {p}}\in A^{\infty }[t]}\,:\,p(t)=(z\cdot t-e)\cdot {\widehat {p}}(t)(\ast )}](
is clearly defined for each
is a unital ring and
. We now show that
can be inverted.
A polynomial
is first defined using the given

We now calculate

This defines
Uniqueness of
: Be given
which possess the property
. For
is obtained:

The coefficients of the elements of
are clearly defined, unless:
![{\displaystyle {\begin{array}{rcl}p(t):=\displaystyle \sum _{k=0}^{\infty }p_{k}\cdot t^{k}&,&q(t):=\displaystyle \sum _{k=0}^{\infty }q_{k}\cdot t^{k}\in A[t]{\mbox{ mit }}p(t)=q(t)\\&\Longrightarrow &0\equiv \displaystyle \sum _{k=0}^{\infty }(p_{k}-q_{k})t^{k}\\&\Longrightarrow &\forall _{\displaystyle \alpha \in {\mathcal {A}};n\in \mathbb {N} }:0=\left\|\!\left|p-q\right|\!\right\|_{(\alpha ,n)}=\sum _{k=0}^{\infty }\left\|p_{k}-q_{k}\right\|_{n}^{(\alpha )}\\&\Longrightarrow &\forall _{\displaystyle \alpha \in {\mathcal {A}},n\in \mathbb {N} }:\left\|p_{k}-q_{k}\right\|_{n}^{(\alpha )}=0.\end{array}}}](
is a house village flock,
applies to all
The partial total topology is coarser than the starting topology produced by
, since

The partial sum topology is obtained by
individual gauge functional
linked to the first
summands of the polynomial and as
selects topology-producing functionals on
selected as desired.
The following Lemma shows the clarity of the factorization of any desired
and one by
selected formal potency series