Introduction to US History/Final Exam Review

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Pre-Civil War

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  • Why is President James Buchanan considered one of our worse Presidents ever?
    • Because he didn't do anything when the Confederates were seceding. He believed it wasn't legitimate, wasn't illegal, and he had no power to stop it. Because of him, inaugurations were pushed to January instead of March.
  • In the Presidential election of 1860, who won the Presidency? [Abraham Lincoln]. Be able to discuss his life, presidency, successes & failures, and how he died.
    • Lincoln came from a humble background: a log cabin and no formal education. He worked his way up in politics by being a representative of Illinois from 1847-49 after becoming a lawyer. He lost to Stephen Douglas in the senate elections, but he gained a massive reputation for his eloquent debates. He beat Douglas in the 1860 elections by electoral votes. As a president, he headed the Union to victory in the civil war and died by John W. Booth's gunfire at a theater in 1865, shortly after the war ended.

Civil War

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  • Richmond Virginia played a prominent part in the Southern Confederacy. Why was it chosen to replace Montgomery, Alabama? What ultimately happened to the city during/after the war?
    • It was moved to Richmond, VA because Virginia was the center of the South's industry and means of transportation (Petersburg being the railroad hub of the Confederates). The city was captured by the Union and they chased Robert E. Lee to the Appomattox Courthouse in 1865, ending the civil war.
  • How did the new technology (circa 19th century) affect the war effort? Be able to list, describe at least 2 of the new technologies/weapons used during the American Civil War that changed warfare forever.
    • An invention that was introduced in the civil war was the Gatling gun, which was devastating towards 1700s war tactics (ex, bayonets running in one single line). This made the war a lot more gruesome as it was the reason why there were so many casualties in every battle. It was a "forerunner" for machine guns. Another invention was implemented in the CSS Merrimac and USS Monitor ships, which were thick steel covering the wooden hulls of the ship. This made cannonballs almost useless when they made an impact on the ships. The thick steel is what kept the ships afloat/the hulls from being damaged.
  • Why did Southern men fight the war? While the obvious answer is slavery, what are some of the less obvious reasons?
    • Although slavery is obvious, southern men fought in the war to also preserve the South and their traditions/rules. They felt their liberty was being attacked because of Lincoln's elections and his negligence in providing the South with any promises (as opposed to the West & North).
  • Why did Northern men go to war? Some were drafted, but most volunteered—why? There is more than 1 serious reason. Be able to define & explain at least 2.
    • From the NY riots in 1863, we see that not all Northern men were fighting just to eliminate slavery. They also fought because they believed they were obliged to protect the Union, which was at a breaking point with the secession and violence of the Confederates.


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  • 3 amendments were passed by Congress to assist newly freed slaves to become American citizens. Not only do you need to know the numeral —you actually need to know what each one said/did.
    • 13th Amendment (XIII) – Slavery is abolished, 14th Amendment (XIV) –All formerly enslaved people are now US citizens, 15th Amendment (XV) –All formerly enslaved men are eligible to vote
  • There were 4 suggested plans Congress considered when reuniting America into a single nation. Be able to explain at least 2 of them, including the one they ultimately utilized. Which one made the most sense to you? (defend your answer with facts).
    • Lincoln’s Plan –10% Plan (10% of 1860 South population had to put an oath of loyalty, pardons would be given --> 2nd oath 10% 1860 South population taken for emancipating slaves), President Johnson’s Plan (governor for political parties of the South, no 10% plan but had to ratify the 13th amendment and get rid of the Act of Secession), Congressional Plan (ironclad oath = can vote), ultimately Military Reconstruction Act (1867-77) (general takes control of 5 separated Confederate regions, tenure of office act gives Senate check on the president for senate appointments, must ratify the 14th and 15th as well).
  • Be able to discuss what happened in Richmond, Va after the war. Included in your discussion should be the following items: [don’t just list, be able to explain them]
    • Virginia exploded because of tobacco and the locomotives increased transportation. Tredegar ironworks --> Richmond locomotive works. Major electrical systems spew urban growth in RVA. Coal mining explodes, providing another huge business. Maggie Walker creates a bank (St. Luke Penny Savings Bank) that lasts for the longest time and is the 1st woman to charter a bank, who she based off of Reverend William W. Browne's True Reformer's Bank.